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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2013 - 19.28 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2013

Take three animals, in the farm, in the forest and in the jungle. Put them together, although the meeting seems improbable. And you'll have the moral of the tale.


Prendere tre animali, nella fattoria, nella foresta e nella giungla. Metteteli insieme, anche se l'incontro sembra improbabile. E avrete la morale della favola.


Les fables en délire 1 - Delirious tales 1
La poule, le loup et l'éléphant
La poule, le renard et l'éléphant
La poule, le loup et le lion

Les fables en délire 2 – Delirious tales 2
Le cochon, la loup et l'éléphant
La poule, le renard et le lion
Le cochon, le renard et l'éléphant.



Original Title LES FABLES EN DÈLIRE 1 ET 2
Category Out of competition
Section Focus on French-Belgian coproduction
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Duration 10’
Production Year 2003
Nationality Belgium
Directed by Fabrice Luang-Vija
Screenplay Fabrice Luang-Vija
Editor Fabrice Luang-Vija
Animation Gabriel Jacquel, Vincent Bierrewaerts, Cécilia Marreiros Marum, Gilles Cuvelier
Sound Christophe Jacquelin
Produced by Arnaud Demuyunck



fabrice registaFabrice Luang-Vija
He was born in Grenobles. In 2002 he directed his first short film SQUARE COUINE presented at the GFF in the Animated Nights section. His FABLES EN DELIRE are based on the combination of places and characters with comic and absurd results.


Fabrice Luang-Vija
È nato a Grenobles. Nel 2002 ha diretto il suo primo corto SQUARE COUINE presentato al GFF nella sezione Animated Nights. Le sue FABLES EN DELIRE si basano sul gioco e la combinazione di luoghi e personaggi con risultati comici e assurdi.







festival contact

Les Films du Nord

La Boîte,... Productions

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