The review becomes a Festival and an Institutional Body, The International Children's and Youth's Film Festival Autonomus Body, is responsible for the organization and management of the event. Generoso Andria is its President and has the legacy of the Regional counsellor for Tourism Roberto Virtuoso to boost him: "The Festival is a cultural bomb ready to explode and it will have a significant place in cinematographic history".
The Film festival deals with all Young peple's issues in contemporary society, and it is hosted and run by, Domenico Meccoli, ex director of the Cinema festival of Venice and turns out to be a precious adviser of the festival. ZABRISKIE POINT by Michelangelo Antonioni is hosted at te festival. Despite the scores of problems the festival goes on. The children and youth appreciate the films proposed at the festival thus stimulating Gubitosi and Cmpany's creativity. The actor LEOPOLDO TRIESTE is the first guest of the festival.