The Festival finally establishes itself as one of the top international events thanks to one of the most important and talented directors of the 20th century: FRANÇOIS TRUFFAUT. The French maestro, at the festival says in a beautiful letter he gives to the director before leaving "…Of all film Festivals the Giffoni one is the most necessary".
During the 12th annual the GFF honour Cech cartoonist ION POPESCU-GOPO.
Peppe d’Antonio becomes deputy artistic director of the festival.
For the first time the Festival does not end with the end of the Summer event:
ROBERT DE NIRO, "snatched" from the Venice Festivalal, is awarded in Autumn the Honorary citizenship in Giffoni.
LUIGI COMENCINI shoots in Giffoni with local extras the TV film "Il Matrimonio di Caterina" played by Anna Melato, Stefano Madia and Clelia Rondinella.
The GFF jurors start travelling round the world thanks to cultural exchanges that bring them to the French city Barbezieux and to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg.