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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2013 - 19.28 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2013

Justin lives in a kingdom where bureaucrats rule and knights have been ousted. His dream is to become one of the Knights of Valour, like his grandfather was, but his father Reginald, the chief counsel to the Queen, wants his son to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer. After an inspiring visit to his beloved grandmother and bidding farewell to his supposed lady-love Lara, Justin leaves home and embarks on a quest to become a knight. Along the way he meets the beautiful, feisty Talia, a quirky wizard called Melquiades, the handsome Sir Clorex and is mentored by three monks, Blucher, Legantir and Braulio, who teach and test him in the ancient ways of the Knights of Valour. Whilst an unlikely candidate for knighthood, Justin must rise to the challenge quickly when banished former knight Sir Heraclio and his army, lead by Sota, return and threaten to destroy the Kingdom.


Justin vive in un regno in cui i burocrati gestiscono il potere e i cavalieri sono stati banditi. Il suo sogno è diventare uno dei Cavalieri Valorosi, come lo fu suo nonno, ma il padre Reginald, alto consigliere della Regina, vuole che Justin segua le sue orme e diventi avvocato. Dopo una illuminante visita alla nonna e l’addio a Lara, che dovrebbe essere la sua amata dama, Justin scappa di casa e intraprende il viaggio per diventare cavaliere. Lungo la strada, incontra la bella ed esuberante Talia, l’eccentrico stregone Melquiades, l’affascinante Sir Clorex, e tre monaci, Blucher, Legantir e Braulio, che lo istruiscono, lo mettono alla prova e gli insegnano le antiche arti dei Cavalieri Valorosi. Quando l’ex cavaliere Sir Heraclio e il suo esercito, guidato da Sota, tornano a minacciare il regno, Justin, pur essendo un improbabile candidato al titolo di cavaliere, dovrà essere all’altezza della sfida e dimostrare tutto il proprio valore.



Category Out of competition
Section Premiere
Tipology Teaser
Duration 90’
Production Year 2013
Nationality Spain
Directed by Manuel Sicilia
Screenplay Manuel Sicilia, Matthew Jacobs
Director of photography Javier Fernández
Editor Claudio Hernández
Animation Francisco Fernández, Gabriel García
Production Design Óscar J.Vargas, Esteban Martín
Sound Federico Pajaro
Music Ilan Eshkeri
Main cast Freddie Highmore (Justin)
Alfred Molina (Reginald)
Antonio Banderas (Sir Clorex)
Rupert Everett (Sota)
Olivia Williams (Regina/Queen)
Julie Walters (nonna/grandmother)
Produced by Antonio Banderas, Marcelino Almansa, Ralph Kamp, Kerry Fulton


Manuel-SiciliaManuel Sicilia
Born Granada (Spain). He took a degree as Informatics Engineer and studied animation in Spain and abroad. In 1995 he founded the Kandor Graphics. In 2008 he co-directed, along with Raúl García, his first feature film, THE MISSING LYNX (EL LINCE PERDIDO), which was screened at the GFF 2009 and won the 2009 Spanish Goya Award for Best Animation Film. JUSTIN AND THE KNIGHTS OF VALOUR is his second feature film. He also produced and was the artistic director of the short film THE TELL TALE HEART (2005), and produced the short film THE LADY AND THE REAPER (LA DAMA Y LA MUERTE, 2009), winner of a Spanish Goya and nominated for the 2010 Academy Award as best animated short film.


Manuel Sicilia
Nato a Granada, in Spagna. Si laurea in ingegneria informatica, e studia animazione in Spagna e all’estero. Nel 1995 fonda lo studio Kandor Graphics. Nel 2008 dirige, insieme a Raúl García, il suo primo lungometraggio, THE MISSING LYNX (EL LINCE PERDIDO), presentato al GFF 2009 e vincitore del Premio Goya 2009 come miglior film d’animazione. JUSTIN E I CAVALIERI VALOROSI è il suo secondo lungometraggio. È stato inoltre produttore e direttore artistico del cortometraggio THE TELL TALE HEART (2005), e ha prodotto il cortometraggio THE LADY AND THE REAPER (LA DAMA Y LA MUERTE, 2009), vincitore di un Premio Goya e candidato all’Oscar 2010 come miglior cortometraggio d’animazione.





KANDOR Graphics
Timeless Films
Out of the Box
Aliwood Mediterráneo Producciones

distribuzione internazionale/world sales
Timeless Films
Canon House, 27 London End, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 2HN – UK
phone +44 1494670705
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distribuzione italiana/italian distribution
festival contact
M2 Pictures
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Moviemax Italia Srl
P.zza Santiago del Cile 8, 00197 Roma - Italy
phone +39 0636006760
fax +39 063204916
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