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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2013 - 19.28 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2013

Rain travels into the desert to be confronted with his own mortality and the essence of his identity.


Pioggia viaggia nel deserto per confrontarsi con la propria mortalità e con l'essenza della sua identità.



Original Title Rain
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +10
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Duration 13’
Production Year 2012
Nationality Qatar
Directed by Rahab El Ewaly
Screenplay Autumn Eve Watts, Rahab El Ewaly, Heidi Ahsmann
Editor Abdul Jabbar Maki, Maryam Al Sahli
Storyboard Lilian Wagdy
Animation Waseem Al Marzouki, Diyala Zada, Ashiq Ahmed, Mohamad Dakak, Mohanad Gamal, Mohammed Al -Suwaidi
Sound David McEwan
Music Nitin Sawhney
Original Voices Rahab El Ewaly
Produced by Rahab El Ewaly, Heidi Ahsmann, Doha Film Institute


IMG 1064Rahab El Ewaly
Rahab El Ewaly is an Egyptian/American filmmaker who studied cinema and majored in Animation and Fine Arts. Rahab worked as an Animation Artist for Warner Brothers, Fox Searchlight, The Independent Film Channel, MTV and PBS. She has also co-produced documentaries for BBC and Al Jazeera Documentary Channel, as well as directing arts and variety shows for ART Satellite Channel. As an animator, Ms. El Ewaly's films have screened in Sundance, Cannes, Berlin, and Toronto film festivals, and have won Best Animated Film in the Cairo International Film Festival, and Best Short Narrative in the D.C. Independent Film Festival. She has also been asked to speak and hold animation seminars at a variety of different venues including the University of Texas, The University of Florida, Northwestern University, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Rahab El Ewaly is currently working on an animated film based on a Qatari folktale, which is being produced by the Doha Film Institute in Qatar.

Rahab El Ewaly
Rahab El Ewaly è una regista egiziano /americana che ha studiato cinema e si è laureata in Animazione e Belle Arti. Rahab ha lavorato come animatrice per la Warner Brothers, Fox Searchlight, The Independent Film Channel, MTV e PBS. Ha co-prodotto documentari per BBC, Al Jazeera Documentary Channel, oltre a dirigere programmi sull’arte e varietà per il canale satellitare ART. I film da lei realizzati come animatrice sono stati presentati in festival prestigiosi come Sundance, Cannes, Berlino e Toronto, e hanno vinto premi al Festival Internazionale del Cinema del Cairo, e al D.C. Independent Film Festival di Washington. Rahab ha anche tenuto diverse lezioni e seminari di animazione in numerose università tra le quali l'Università del Texas, l’Università della Florida, la Northwestern University, e la Virginia Commonwealth University. Attualmente sta lavorando a un film di animazione basato sulle favole tradizionali del Qatar, prodotto dal Doha Film Institute.





Festival contact
Rahab Elewaly
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