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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2013 - 19.28 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2013

A notebook factory was about to ship its product; however, every corrugated paper had its best idea of how to pack the product.

In una fabbrica di quaderni, i prodotti finiti vanno spediti. Ma ogni cartone da spedizione ha una sua idea su come vadano imballati i quaderni.




Original Title Boxing
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Short Film
Duration 2’ 57’’
Production Year 2012
Nationality Taiwan
Directed by Yu-Chi Hsiao
Screenplay Yu-Chi Hsiao, His Chen
Produced by Yu-Chi Hsiao, His Chen


Yu-Chi Hsiao
Yu-Chi graduated from the Department of Industrial Design in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. He likes to draw illustration, comics, watch films and travel in his free time. The inspiration for making his film come from one of his friend who had an internship in a package company.

Yu-Chi Hsiao
Yu-Chi è laureato presso il Dipartimento di Disegno Industriale dell’Università di scienze e Tecnologia di Taiwan. Gli piace realizzare illustrazioni, fumetti, guardare film e viaggiare nel tempo libero. L'ispirazione per fare il suo film proviene da un suo amico che ha fatto uno stage in una fabbrica di cartoni da imballaggio.





festival contact
Department of Visual Communication Design
Jinwen University of Science and Technology
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
www. yuntech.edu.tw