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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2013 - 19.28 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2013

A stop-motion animated 2D and 3D film about endangered sea turtles, capturing their touching and perilous journey, from birth on a sandy beach to life in the ocean.

Uno film d’animazione stop-motion in 2D e 3D sulle tartarughe marine in via di estinzione, che narra il loro toccante e pericoloso viaggio dalla nascita su una spiaggia sabbiosa alla vita nell'oceano.




Original Title Une Histoire de tortues
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Duration 9’ 50’’
Production Year 2012
Nationality Canada
Directed by Kathy Shultz
Screenplay Kathy Shultz
Director of photography Andrew Sneyd
Editor Marcus Matyas
Animation Evan DeRushie
Sound Alex Bullock, Mark Zsifkovits
Music Zach Kellum, Kurt Firla
Art Director Winston Hacking
Produced by Silva Basmajian


Kathy Shultz
Kathy Shultz has been working in film and television for 10 years as a set and puppet builder in stop-motion animation. Her animated short A Sea Turtle Story (Official Selection, TIFF KIDS 2012, Clermont-Ferrand 2013) marks her directorial debut. Made for the National Film Board of Canada, the project began as a children’s book about sea turtles based on her experience working with biologists and conservationists in India and Southeast Asia. Kathy currently lives in Toronto, where she also teaches animation to young people and is developing an interactive film project about the Kermode Bear of the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia.

Kathy Shultz
Kathy Shultz ha lavorato nel cinema e in televisione per 10 anni realizzando set e pupazzi animati. Il suo corto animato A SEA TURTLE STORY (Selezione in diversi festival TIFF KIDS 2012, Clermont-Ferrand 2013) segna il suo debutto alla regia. Realizzato per il National Film Board of Canada, il progetto parte da un libro per bambini sulle tartarughe marine, basato sulle esperienze di Kathy con biologi e ambientalisti in India e Sud-Est asiatico. Kathy attualmente vive a Toronto, dove insegna animazione ai ragazzi e sta sviluppando un progetto di cinema interattivo sull’Orso Kermode che vive nella Great Bear Rainforest nella British Columbia.





festival contact
National Film Board of Canada
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