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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2013 - 19.28 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2013

Pelin is a young, single mother from the Wedding district of Berlin, an area with a high degree of social dysfunction. She has three children by different fathers from different countries: Robby (9), Elvis (4) and Roxanne (just 19 months). The social services have sent them on what is known as a Mother-Child-Cure, essentially a family retreat, in a countryside location in a spa town in northern Germany. The measure intends to give Pelin, who is on a continual collision course with youth services and the judicial system, time to reconsider her behaviour and also recover physically as well as mentally. Unfortunately neither her roommate Christa, who suffers from a lack of self-esteem and seeks to form a bond with her, nor the dedicated staff at the clinic are able to bring clarity to the young mother’s chaotic daily existence. When Pelin bumps into her former boyfriend, Edin, she is forced to finally make a decision.

Pelin è una giovane madre single del quartiere Wedding di Berlino, una zona con un alto tasso di degrado sociale. Ha avuto tre figli da uomini diversi in diversi Paesi: Robby (9 anni), Elvis (4 anni) e Roxanne (solo 19 mesi). I servizi sociali li hanno mandati in un centro per il benessere della madre e del bambino, un ricovero familiare in una città termale di campagna nella Germania del Nord. L’intervento è stato adottato per dare a Pelin, in conflitto perenne con i servizi sociali e con il sistema giudiziario, il tempo di riconsiderare il proprio comportamento e di riprendersi sia fisicamente che mentalmente. Purtroppo, né la compagna di stanza di Pelin, Christa, che soffre di mancanza d’autostima e tenta di creare un legame con lei, né il personale della clinica riescono a portare ordine nella caotica esistenza della giovane madre. Quando ritrova Edin, il suo ex fidanzato, Pelin è costretta a prendere finalmente una decisione.





Original Title ABGEBRANNT
Category Official Competition
Section Generator +18
Tipology Feature Film
Duration 102’
Production Year 2012
Nationality Germany
Directed by Verena S. Freytag
Screenplay Verena S. Freytag
Director of photography Ali Olcay Gözkaya
Editor François Rossier, Tobias Steidle
Production Design Rita Hallekamp, Olivier Meidinger
Costume Design Stefanie Jauss
Sound Niklas Kammertöns
Music Roland Satterwhite
Main cast Maryam Zaree (Pelin)
Tilla Kratochwil (Christa)
Lukas Steltner (Edin)
Leon Samuel Kilian (Robby)
Keywan Fischer (Elvis)
Marie Louise Heinzel (Roxanne)
Produced by Jost Hering


Verena-S.-Freytag-129Verena S. Freytag
Born 1973, Stuttgart (Germany). She studied at the Music Academy Stuttgart, followed by studies in Film and Television Directing at the German Academy of Film and Television Berlin (DFFB). After graduating, she worked as a freelance director’s assistant, line producer and casting director. She lives in Berlin where she works as a freelance writer and director for film and television. Her filmography include: the short films FIFTY FIFTY (1996) and MARIES HERZ (2000); the feature films KARAMUK (2003) and SANIYES LUST (2004).

Verena S. Freytag
Nata nel 1973 a Stoccarda, in Germania. Frequenta l’Accademia Musicale di Stoccarda, e in seguito studia regia cinematografica e televisiva all’Accademia Tedesca di Cinema e Televisione di Berlino (DFFB). Dopo il diploma, lavora da freelance come aiuto regista, assistente di produzione e responsabile di casting. Vive a Berlino, dove lavora come sceneggiatrice e regista indipendente per il cinema e la televisione. Tra le sue opere ricordiamo: i cortometraggi FIFTY FIFTY (1996) e MARIES HERZ (2000); i lungometraggi KARAMUK (2003) e SANIYES LUST (2004).





festival contact
Jost Hering Filme
Winterfeldtstraße 31, 10781 Berlin - Germany
phone +49 3021756856
fax +49 3021756858
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distribuzione internazionale/world sales
Tropicalstorm Entertainment
Postbus 3668 – 1001AL Amsterdam - The Netherlands
phone +31 208932088
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