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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2013 - 19.28 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2013


Young reindeer boy Niko secretly wishes his single mom and his hero dad would get back together so they could be a real family again. One day, mom has a surprise for Niko: she has met a new boyfriend, an ordinary reindeer named Lenni, who is moving in with his little son Johnny. Niko’s world is shattered. When Niko takes his eyes off little Johnny for a minute, his new stepbrother is kidnapped. It's up to Niko and his friend Julius to find him. In a turbulent showdown, in which all of Niko’s friends and family pitch in, he saves his brother and learns to accept his new family.



La giovane renna Niko spera in cuor suo che la sua mamma single e il suo valoroso papà possano superare i loro dissidi, tornare insieme e formare di nuovo una famiglia felice. Un giorno, però, la mamma si presenta con una sorpresa: un nuovo fidanzato, una ordinaria e insulsa renna di nome Lenni, che porta con sé il suo figlioletto, Johnny. Niko vede il suo mondo andare in frantumi, e per di più si ritrova costretto a far da guardiano al fratellastro. Basta una breve distrazione di Niko perché Johnny venga rapito. Aiutato dell’inseparabile amico Julius, Niko dovrà sfoderare tutto il suo coraggio per ritrovare il fratellastro, salvarlo e imparare ad accettare la sua nuova famiglia.




Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Animation, Feature Film
Duration 75’
Production Year 2012
Nationality Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland
Directed by Kari Juusonen, Jørgen Lerdam
Screenplay Hannu Tuomainen, Marteinn Thorisson
Editor Antti Haikala
Production Design Mikko Pitkänen
Sound Aza Hand
Music Stephen McKeon
Original Voices Erik Carlson (Niko)
Mikko Kivinen (Julius)
Riku Nieminen (Lenni)
Juhana Vaittinen (Johnny)
Produced by Antti Haikala, Petteri Pasanen, Hannu Tuomainen


Director-Kari-JuusonenKari Juusonen
Born 1967, Finland. He started studying filmmaking at the Lahti Polytechnic and in 2001 he graduated from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki, where he studied in the programme of animation. In 2001 he made the short PIZZA PASSIONATA, followed by BIRTHDAY (2004). In 2008 he directed along with Michael Hegner the feature animated film NIKO AND THE WAY TO THE STARS, screened in Giffoni.


Kari Juusonen
Nato nel 1967 in Finlandia. Studia cinema al Lahti Polytechnic, e nel 2001 si laurea in animazione all’Università di Arte e Design di Helsinki. Nel 2001 realizza il cortometraggio PIZZA PASSIONATA, seguito da BIRTHDAY (2004). Nel 2008 dirige, insieme a Michael Hegner, il lungometraggio d’animazione NIKO: UNA RENNA PER AMICO presentato a Giffoni.





Jørgen Lerdam
Born 1958, Denmark. He co-directed his animated feature debut, JUNGLE JACK: THE STAR (1996), along with Stefan Fjeldmark and Flemming Quist Møller. Lerdam teamed up with Møller once again on AMAZON JACK 3: JUNGO GOES BANANAS (2007). In 2009 he directed OLSEN GANG GETS POLISHED.


Jørgen Lerdam
Nato nel 1958 in Danimarca. Nel 1996 debutta nel lungometraggio, dirigendo JUNGLE JACK: THE STAR (1996) insieme a Stefan Fjeldmark e Flemming Quist Møller. Torna a lavorare con Møller per AMAZON JACK 3: JUNGO GOES BANANAS (2007). Nel 2009 dirige OLSEN GANG GETS POLISHED.





supervisore all’animazione/animation supervisor
Raoul Cacciamani
Animaker Oy
Anima Vitae
Ulysses Film
Tidal Films
A.Film Production
distribuzione internazionale/world sales
Global Screen GmbH
Sonnenstrasse 21, D-80331 Munich - Germany
phone +49 892441295500
fax +49 89 2441295 520
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festival contact
The Finnish Film Foundation
Kanavakatu 12, FIN 00160 Helsinki - Finland