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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2010 - 18.31 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2010


In a colourful and vibrant town, all the people and animals can whistle – with one exception, namely the small bird called Whistleless. He flies around trying to whistle, but he is hopeless to the point that all others give up teaching him.



In una città vibrante e colorata, tutti, persone e animali, sanno fischiare, con una sola eccezione: un uccellino chiamato Senzafischio. Il piccolo vola in giro tentando di fischiare, ma sembra talmente incapace che tutti gli altri rinunciano a insegnargli.


Original Title FLØJTELØS
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Duration 5'
Production Year 2010
Nationality Denmark
Directed by Siri Melchior
Screenplay Siri Melchior
Script Siri Melchior
Animation Aaron Lampert, Siri Melchior, Christopher Wright, Rachinta Platts, Hyebin Lee
Sound Claus Lynge, Olle Tannergård
Music Tanera Dawkins
Produced by Marie Bro

whistleless regSiri Melchior
Born 1971, Copenhagen. Graduate in animation from the Royal College of Art, London, 1999, in graphic design from Danmarks Designskole, 1995 and received her B.A. in Art History from Copenhagen University, 1991. Melchior is noted for her awardwinning animated films: »The Dog Who was a Cat Inside« (2002) and »Passport« (1999), both were in the running for a Cartoon d'Or. Together with two colleagues from the Royal College, she created the animation company Trunk Studio, producing works for Channel 4, BBC Scotland, MTV, Domino Records and Virgin.


Siri Melchior
È nata nel 1971, a Copenhagen. Si è laureata in animazione al Royal College of Art, di Londra nel 1999, dopo aver studiato graphic design alla Danmarks Designskole, e Storia dell’Arte all’Università di Copenhagen. Siri si fa notare con due cortometraggi vincitori di diversi premi THE DOG WHO WAS A CAT INSIDE (2002) e PASSPORT (1999), entrambi nominati per il Cartoon d'Or. Insieme con due colleghi del Royal College, ha creato una sua casa di produzione, il Trunk Studio, che produce lavori per Channel 4, BBC Scotland, MTV, Domino Records e Virgin.


World sales
Dansk Tegnefilm 2
Suomisvej 2, 2. DK-1927 Frederiksberg C
phone +45 33930988
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Festival contact
Danish Film Institute
Gothersgade 55, 1123 København K - Denmark
phone +45 33743400
fax +45 33743401
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