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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2010 - 18.31 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2010


Laura gets the chance to fly to China with her family. Her mother is supposed to give a concert with Chinese musician to celebrate the New Year. Laura is excited. Her best friend, the little star, accompanies her but gets lost during the flight. Ling Ling, a Chinese girl, finds the star and takes him with her. He brings the girls together and vitalizes a creature without noticing it: the mysterious dragon Nian. The dragon quickly befriends the kids and while Laura’s mother performs on stage, the girls and Nian experience their biggest adventure.



Laura ha la possibilità di volare in Cina con la sua famiglia. Sua madre deve tenere un concerto con una musicista cinese per celebrare l’arrivo del nuovo anno. Laura è entusiasta. La sua migliore amica, una piccola stella, la accompagna, ma si perde durante il volo. Ling Ling, una bambina cinese, trova la stellina e la prende con sé. La stella permetterà alle bambine di conoscersi e, senza volere, darà vita a un grosso personaggio di pezza: il misterioso drago Nian. Il drago diventa presto amico delle bambine e, mentre la madre di Laura suona in palcoscenico, le piccole e Nian vivranno la loro più grande avventura.


Category Out of competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Feature Film
Duration 75'
Production Year 2009
Nationality Germany
Directed by Thilo Graf Rothkirch
Screenplay Piet De Rycker, Rolf Giesen, Thilo Graf Rothkirch
Based on the book "Lauras Stern und der geheimnisvolle Drache Nian"
by Klaus Baumgart
Director of photography Ralph Niemeyer
Editor Erik Stappenbeck
Sound Tom Protzer
Music Guy Cuyvers, Henning Lohner
Original Voices Annabel Wolf (Laura)
Mariann Schneider (Ling-Ling) Dirk Bach (Nian)
Sandro Iannotta (Tommy)
Heinrich Schafmeister (padre di Laura/Laura’s father)
Brit Gülland (madre/mother)
Produced by Maya Gräfin Rothkirch, Thilo Graf Rothkirch

lauras star and the mysterious dragon nian regThilo Graf Rothkirch
Born in 1948, Thilo received his degree for graphic design in Kassel/Germany, worked as designer, director and writer in London and founded in 1985 his own business Rothkirch/Cartoon- Film. He started with spots and series productions like LITTLE POLAR BEAR (1991/1992) and TOBIAS TOTZ AND HIS LION (1994-1996). At the end of the 90s followed awarded features film like TOBIAS TOTZ AND HIS LION (1997-1999) and LITTLE POLAR BEAR (1999-2001), LAURA’S STAR (2002-2004), LITTLE POLAR BEAR 2 and LITTLE DODO (2007). Thilo Graf Rothkirch is also very engaged in environmental issues. He works closely together with organisations supporting Orang Utans and the rainforest. The LITTLE DODO feature is one of the products of the fruitful cooperation with these organisations and mirrors his strong and passionate engagement with these themes.


Thilo Graf Rothkirch
Nato nel 1948, Thilo Graf Rothkirch si laurea in Grafica a Kassel, in Germania. Lavora come designer, regista e sceneggiatore a Londra e fonda nel 1985 la casa di produzione Rothkirch/Cartoon – Film. Inizialmente produce spot e serie tv come LITTLE POLAR BEAR (1991-1992) e TOBIAS TOTZ AND HIS LION (1994-1996), quindi, alla fine degli anni ’90, i lungometraggi TOBIAS TOTZ AND HIS LION (1997-1999), LITTLE POLAR BEAR (1999-2001), LAURA’S STAR (2002-2004), LITTLE POLAR BEAR 2 e LITTLE DODO (2007). Thilo Graf Rothkirch è molto impegnato anche nella causa ambientale e lavora a stretto contatto con organizzazioni per la difesa degli oranghi e della foresta pluviale. LITTLE DODO è frutto della cooperazione con queste organizzazioni e mostra il forte e appassionato impegno di Thilo.


Festival contact
Rothkirch/Cartoon – Film
Hasenheide 54, 10967 Berlin – Germany
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World sales
Warner Bros. Germany
Hunboldt Str. 62, 22083 Hamburg – Germany
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