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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2010 - 18.31 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2010


In a chaotic city traversed by strange motorized beings ruled by time, a little girl named Zoe discovers a beautiful moon.



In una città caotica, attraversata da strani esseri motorizzati governati dal tempo, una bambina di nome Zoe scopre una luna meravigliosa.


Original Title LUNA
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +10
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Duration 8'
Production Year 2010
Nationality Mexico
Directed by Raúl Cárdenas, Rafael Cárdenas
Screenplay Raúl Cárdenas, Rafael Cárdenas
Script Raúl Cárdenas, Rafael Cárdenas
Director of photography Raúl Cárdenas, Rafael Cárdenas
Editor Norman Ruiz
Animation Raúl Cárdenas, Rafael Cárdenas, Mauricio Solis, Maribel Valdés
Art Director Raúl Cárdenas, Rafael Cárdenas
Produced by Rafael Cárdenas

moon regRaúl Cárdenas
Raúl obtained a Masters in Animation at the Film and TV School of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). For the realization these studies, Raúl received scholarships from the Fulbright-Garcia Robles Foundation and FONCA.


Raúl Cárdenas
Raúl ha ottenuto un Master in Animazione alla Scuola di Cinema e TV dell’Università della California, Los Angeles (UCLA), grazie a una borsa di studio dalla Fulbright-Garcia Robles Foundation e FONCA.


Rafael Cárdenas
Rafael completed his specialized studies in Digital Character Animation at the Vancouver Film School. Graduating with honors and obtained certification in the use of Maya Software. It also received scholarship from the FONCA to carry out their studies.


Rafael Cárdenas
Rafael si è specializzato in Animazione di Personaggi Digitali alla Scuola di Cinema di Vancouver. Laureatosi con lode, ha ottenuto la certificazione per l'uso di Maya. Ha inoltre ricevuto la borsa di studio FONCA per continuare i suoi studi.


Festival contact
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografia (IMCINE)
Insurgentes Sur #674, Col. Del Valle 03100 México City - México
phone +5255 54485300
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