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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2010 - 18.31 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2010


When caught on account of a petty theft in a department store, Sara (18 years old) comes across her father Peter (42 years old) for the first time since he left the family five years ago. In his function as store detective, Peter tries to help his daughter under the watchful eye of his boss in hope of reconciliation. But Sara can't and won't accept his help. Too deep are her wounds, and much harder to heal than Peter may think.



Sara, 18 anni, viene colta in flagrante mentre tenta di compiere un piccolo furto in un centro commerciale, e si ritrova davanti il padre, Peter, 42 anni, per la prima volta da quando l’uomo ha lasciato la sua famiglia. In veste di sorvegliante del centro commerciale, Peter, sotto lo sguardo vigile del suo capo, cerca di aiutare la figlia, sperando in una riconciliazione. Ma Sara non può e non vuole accettare il suo aiuto. Le ferite che la ragazza si porta dentro sono molto profonde, più di quanto Peter possa immaginare.


Original Title …WIE DIE RABEN
Category Official Competition
Section Troubled Gaze
Tipology Short Film
Duration 8' 30''
Production Year 2009
Nationality Germany
Directed by Matthias Maffo Bittner
Screenplay Sebastian Heeg
Script Sebastian Heeg
Director of photography Dominik Berg
Editor Anna-Kristin Nekarda
Sound Varlik Gökdemir, Christoph Riedlberger
Music John Gürtler
Main cast Ellen Gronwald (Sarah Maler)
Patrick von Blume (Peter Maler)
Stephan Grossmann (Krämer)
Tom Lass (Tim)
Produced by Maïté Peltier, Aleksandra Wojtaszek

abandoned regMatthias Maffo Bittner
Born 1982 in Neuendettelsau, Germany. From 2004 on, he works as Assistant Director and Set-Manager for various feature films, commercials and music videos in Berlin, Cologne, Stuttgart, Zurich. Since 2007 he studies direction (documentary) at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. He made a number of short films, such as BILD FÜR MAMA (2005) and WILLKÜR (2008). In 2009 he directed the documentary DIVORCE TALK.


Matthias Maffo Bittner
Nato nel 1982 a Neuendettelsau, in Germania. A partire dal 2004 ha lavorato come primo aiuto regista e set manager per lungometraggi, spot pubblicitari e video musicali a Berlino, Colonia, Stoccarda e Zurigo. Dal 2007 studia regia (documentaristica) alla Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Ha realizzato diversi cortometraggi, tra cui BILD FÜR MAMA (2005) e WILLKÜR (2008). Nel 2009 ha diretto il documentario DIVORCE TALK.


World sales
Festival contact
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Akademiehof 10, 71638 Ludwigsburg - Germany
phone +49 7141969103
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