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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2010 - 18.31 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2010


Sebastian is lonely and hardly has any friends. When he finds an old record player in the attic, he decides to visit a vintage record store. His interest will soon fall on the pretty girl at the counter, Alexandra. Sebastian starts visiting the record store daily and Alexandra carefully packs his records, leaving short messages inside, but to her disappointment, Sebastian no longer appears in the record shop.



Sebastian è un ragazzo solitario, quasi senza amici. Quando trova un vecchio giradischi in soffitta, decide di visitare un negozio di dischi. A suscitare il suo interesse sarà presto la bella ragazza alla cassa, Alexandra. Sebastian comincia a visitare il negozio ogni giorno e Alexandra confeziona accuratamente i suoi dischi, lasciando brevi messaggi all’interno dei pacchetti. A un certo punto, con grande delusione della ragazza, Sebastian non compare più al negozio.


Original Title LITTLE WORLD
Category Official Competition
Section Generator +16
Tipology Short Film
Duration 18'
Production Year 2009
Nationality Austria, Italy
Directed by Marco F. Zimprich
Screenplay Marc Jago
Script Marc Jago
Director of photography Marco F. Zimprich
Editor K.A. Rhee
Music Luca Solbiati & RnO
Main cast Andrea Otto (Sebastian)
Felicitas Lukas (Alexandra)
Marion Rottenhofer (la madre/mother)
Alf Poier (cliente/customer)
Wilhelm Iben (DJ)
Luca Solbiati (musicista/musician)

little world regMarco F. Zimprich
Marco is a 1995 graduate of the American Film Institute (AFI) in Hollywood, starting his career as DP assistant to Robert Brinkmann for the Columbia Picture Cable Guy, starring Jim Carrey and Matthew Broderick, and as a camera operator for Roland Emmerich’s Independence DAY. His DP credits include the features PS-T, WORK FOR MONEY, several music videos and commercials, as well as the award winning UNIVERSUM, and the documentary THE SOUVENIRS OF MISTER X. In 2008, Marco was nominated for best cinematography at the GrandOFF European Film Awards for his work on the short MURIENDO. In 2009 Marco debuted officially as film director with LITTLE WORLD.


Marco F. Zimprich
Marco si è laureato nel 1995 presso l'American Film Institute (AFI), a Hollywood. Comincia la sua carriera come assistente Direttore della Fotografia, lavorando a CABLE GUY (con Jim Carrey e Matthew Broderick), e come operatore per INDEPENDENCE DAY di Roland Emmerich. Come direttore della fotografia ha partecipato alla produzione dei film PS-T WORK FOR MONEY e UNIVERSUM, alla realizzazione di video musicali, spot pubblicitari e del documentario THE SOUVENIRS OF MISTER X. Nel 2008, Marco è stato nominato per la miglior fotografia al GrandOFF European Film Awards per il suo lavoro al cortometraggio MURIENDO. Nel 2009 Marco debutta ufficialmente come regista con LITTLE WORLD.



Penny Lane Film
Metaxa Productions


World sales
Festival contact
Metaxa Productions
Graf Starhemberggasse 34/1/1, 1040 Vienna - Austria
phone +43 12526908
fax +43 1252690815
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