immagine gff 2022



  • Filters

Like many five year olds, Little Charlie goes to a kindergarten and plays with his friends in the neighborhood. Little Charlie lives in safe and secure surroundings and the...

Category Out of competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

After moving to the big city, Laura misses her old home very much. She feels lonely, does not like the new apartment and finding friends is not very easy.

Category Out of competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

An older brother’s life is tough, especially when dealing with a troublemaker as a sister! In the middle of the night, Peter, a young space nerd, discovers that Anne, his little...

Category Out of competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

Valentina dreams of becoming a trapeze artist but believes she will never be able to make it because she has Down’s syndrome. Her grandmother — who teaches her to play chess...

Category Out of competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

The film takes us to a time when, following a mysterious upheaval, the world as we know it today is over. Nature has forcefully taken over the planet and now the jungle covers the...

Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Animation, Feature Film, Special Event