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GIFFONI50PLUS - 21.31 JULY 2021


Archivio Film 2019


Category: Edition 2019

LITTLE GERMANS combines animation and documentary to tell the story of children that are born into right-wing families. From a young age on they are conditioned to hate everything that seems foreign. How does it feel to grow up in a world where empathy is subsidiary and “the nation” stands above everything? And who do those “little Germans” become once they grow up?

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film
Duration 86'
Production Year 2018
Nationality Austria, Germany
Directed by Mohammad Farokhmanesh, Frank Geiger
Screenplay Mohammad Farokhmanesh Frank Geiger, Armin Hofmann
Director of photography Marcus Winterbauer
Editor Andrew Bird, Frank Geiger, Habiba Laout
Sound Ranko Paukovic
Music Siegfried Friedrich
Produced by Ali Samadi Ahali, Mohammad Farokhmanesh, Frank Geiger, Armin Hofmann

 regista Frank GeigerFRANK GEIGER
Born in 1969, he studied Film and Drama in Munich, before he started his career in the film business as a production assistant for various TV productions. Since 1995 he has been producing commercials and working as a script consultant for renowned German companies such as Pro 7 Media and Concorde. After contributing to several short and feature films as a production manager, he continued as a producer. He is also the co-founder of Brave New Work.

 regista Mohammad FarokhmaneshMOHAMMAD FAROKHMANESH
Born in 1971, he studied Film in Shiraz/Iran and Hamburg and worked as a production supervisor at HfBK Hamburg from 1999-2001. Mohammad directed several short films, commercials and contributions to multi-media projects. He is co-founder of Brave New Work.

Directors' statement
"Children represent our future. They bear our hope for a better world, they give us energy and joy of living. They reflect our wish for security, family and happiness. At the same time, a child is the weakest link of our society and therefore it needs a special protection. Unfortunately, our society is still marked by misfortunes, which prevent many children from a happy and carefree life: news about the abuse, negligence and oppression of children fill the headlines of daily newspapers. Often, only a sensation of rage and lack of power remains, combined with the urgent question, if all that misery can’t be prevented somehow.
With LITTLE GERMANS, we point at an outstanding and extreme situation, at a form of violence, which is nearly impalpable and by some people it’s not even considered as violence at all. But even if the indoctrination of children, who are raised by neo nazis may be considered a side issue, it still hints at a bigger problem: the global radicalization of our modern society. Because it doesn’t matter if a child grows up with a skinhead mother, has to go to war with a shotgun in his hand in Uganda or is prepared for the Djihad in a Pakistani Quran school – the result is always the same: intolerance and hatred. Working against this is a goal we all have to achieve if we want to live in a peaceful and free society. With LITTLE GERMANS, we want to move a little bit closer to this goal".


Little Dream Entertainment

festival contact
Brave New Work

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