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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2016 - 15.24 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2016

One December evening a small car, barely the size of a shoebox, pulls up in front of Jill and Joy’s house. Stepping out from the car is the teensy-weensy McTinies family, who are searching for Mrs Rosebud. They became homeless when a woodcutter felled their home tree. The girls do not know the whereabouts of Mrs Rosebud, so they invite the McTinies to their home, while the family’s car is getting repaired. They soon find out that not all big people have good intentions towards the tiny. Fortunately Jill and Joy get help from their neighbours Tinglestein and Tanglestein, two women capable of all kinds of magical things, plus Police Chief Ronny Righteous and his wife Mrs. Pompinella Prune. Together they have an adventure with a happy ending and get to spend a magical tiny Christmas party.

Original Title Onnelin ja Annelin talvi
Category Out of competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Feature Film
Duration 81'
Production Year 2015
Nationality Finland
Directed by Saara Cantell
Screenplay Sami Keski-Vähälä
Based on the book "Onnelin ja Annelin talvi"
by Marjatta Kurenniemi
Editor Anne Lakanen
Costume Design Emmi Leeve
Sound Pietari Koskinen
Music Anna Mari Kähärä
Main cast Eija Ahvo
Kristiina Elstelä
Edvin Fagerström
Produced by Teea Hyythiä, Sari Lempiäinen

Onnelin ja Annelin talvi pressi23Saara Cantell
Saara Cantell (1968) is a freelance director and scriptwriter from Helsinki.She has directed numerous awarded short films, i.e. Portrait (2003), and TheGreat Journey (2005), a couple of TV series, and six feature films (Unna & Nuuk, 2006; Heartbeats, 2010; The Stars Above, 2012, The Two and Only, 2013, Jill and Joy, 2014 and Jill and Joy’s Winter, 2015). Her latest epoch film Devils bridewill be released in September 2016. In 2011, Saara Cantell received a doctorate in arts with a dissertation on the narrative tools in under-15-minute short films. She has been awarded with State Quality Prize as well as with the State Film Prize together with the cinematographer Marita Hällfors. She was also nominated for the Finnish ”Oscar”, Jussi-prize and selected as the Director of the year in 2010. Currently Cantell is working on an upcoming Jill and Joy film, which will be the third film in the Jill and Joy’s film series.

Director's statement
“The future of the world depends on how we treat the small ones.” Childs right to have a childhood and remain protected is easily threatened. On the other hand children sometimes wish to grow up faster and rebel against adult guardianships. This conflict is described in the film as well as the original book, through humor and right amount of excitement. Jill and Joy books are an irresistible combination of bubbly anarchism and fascinating magical realism. I wanted to keep the same balance also in the feature film”.

Zodiak Finland OY

festival contact
The Finnish Film Foundation
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world sales
The Annex Entertainment
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