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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2012 - 14.24 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2012

15 years old Ellis, an intelligent young man, as he is getting ready to leave his luxurious home in the foothills of Tucson for his freshman year at Gates Academy, an East Coast prep school, and his estranged father’s alma mater. This means leaving behind Wendy, his flakey, new age mother, and the only real father figure he has ever had, Goat Man. Goat Man has maintained a home in the pool house on Wendy’s property rent-free since Ellis was a child, taking care of the landscaping and pool cleaning, and raising a small herd of goats, all the while teaching Ellis the meaning of stability, care taking, and commitment. Once at Gates Academy, Ellis easily gets straight A’s, assimilates to his environment, and once he reconnects with his estranged father, he finds Goat Man’s influence and his life thrown into stark contrast.


Ellis, 15 anni, un ragazzo dalla brillante intelligenza, si accinge a lasciare la sua lussuosa casa sulle colline di Tucson, in Arizona, per frequentare il suo primo anno alla Gates Academy, una scuola di preparazione al college sulla East Coast, già frequentata da suo padre. Il ragazzo dovrà quindi allontanarsi da sua madre Wendy, donna eccentrica dall’anima New Age, e dall’unica vera figura paterna che egli abbia avuto, l’Uomo Capra. Fin da quando Ellis era piccolo, l’Uomo Capra si è occupato di una casetta nella dependance con piscina all’interno della proprietà di Wendy, prendendosi cura della piscina e del giardino, allevando un piccolo gregge di capre, e insegnando a Ellis il senso della stabilità e dell’impegno. Giunto alla Gates Academy, Ellis prende ottimi voti e si adatta all’ambiente: quando riscopre il legame con il padre naturale, si trova ad affrontare il contrasto tra la propria vita e l’ascendente dell’Uomo Capra.


Original Title GOATS
Category Official Competition
Section Generator +16
Tipology Feature Film
Duration 94’
Production Year 2011
Nationality USA
Directed by Christopher Neil
Screenplay Mark Jude Poirier
Based on the book ""
by Mark Jude Poirier
Director of photography Wyatt Troll
Editor Jeremiah O'Driscol,l Kevin Tent
Production Design Mark Alan Duran
Costume Design Kate DeBlasio
Music Woody Jackson, Jason Schwartzman
Main cast Graham Phillips (Ellis)
David Duchovny (Goat Man)
Vera Farmiga (Wendy)
Ty Burrell (Frank)
Keri Russell (Judy)
Justin Kirk (Bennet)
Produced by Eric Kopeloff, Shannon Lail, Christopher Neil, Daniela Taplin Lundberg


Christopher-NeilChristopher Neil
He got his start when he went to work with his uncle, filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola. He was credited as a dialogue coach on Coppola’s two feature films, JACK (1996) and THE RAINMAKER (1997). Then he worked with fellow family members Sofia Coppola on her feature films THE VIRGIN SUICIDES (1999), MARIE ANTOINETTE (2006), SOMEWHERE (2010), as well as Roman Coppola’s CQ (2001). He worked alongside Spike Jonze on BEING JOHN MALKOVICH (1999) and ADAPTATION (2002), as well as George Lucas on STAR WARS III: REVENGE OF THE SITH (2005). GOATS is his first feature film as a director.


Christopher Neil
Ha iniziato a lavorare nel cinema con suo zio, il regista Francis Ford Coppola. È stato istruttore dei dialoghi per due film di Coppola, JACK (1996) e L’UOMO DELLA PIOGGIA (1997). In seguito ha lavorato con altri due parenti: Sofia Coppola per i film IL GIARDINO DELLE VERGINI SUICIDE (1999), MARIE ANTOINETTE (2006), SOMEWHERE (2010), e con Roman Coppola per il film CQ (2001). Ha lavorato anche con Spike Jonze per ESSERE JOHN MALKOVICH (1999) e IL LADRO DI ORCHIDEE (2002), e con George Lucas per STAR WARS - EPISODIO III - LA VENDETTA DEI SITH (2005). GOATS è il suo primo lungometraggio da regista.




Red Crown Productions
630 5th Ave, Suite 2505, New York, NY 10111 - USA
phone +1 2123559200
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distribuzione internazionale/world sales
festival contact
Echo Bridge Entertainment
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