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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2011 - 12.21 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2011


Jerusalem, 1948. On her way to work, Hind Husseini comes across 55 orphaned children. She takes them home to give them food and shelter. After 6 months, 55 have grown to almost 2000: the Dar Al-Tifel Institute is born. At the age of 7, Miral is sent to the institute by her father following her mother’s death. Brought up behind the safety of the institute’s walls, she is unaware of the troubles that surround her. At the age of 17, she is assigned to teach at a refugee camp where she is awakened to her people’s struggle. When she falls in love for the political activist Hani, she finds herself torn between the fight for the future of her people and Mama Hind’s belief that education is the only road to peace.



Gerusalemme, 1948. Mentre va al lavoro, Hind Husseini si imbatte in 55 orfani. Li porta a casa sua, li nutre, offre loro un posto dove stare. Sei mesi dopo, i ragazzini diventano quasi 2000: nasce così l’istituto Dar Al-Tifel. A 7 anni, dopo la morte della madre, Miral viene mandata all’istituto dal padre. Crescendo al sicuro tra le mura dell’istituto, Miral è ignara del dolore che la circonda. Solo a 17 anni, quando viene assegnata come insegnante a un campo profughi, apre gli occhi sulle tribolazioni della sua gente. Quando si innamora dell’attivista politico Hani, si ritrova divisa tra la lotta per il futuro della sua gente e la fede di mamma Hind nell’educazione come unica via per la pace.


Original Title MIRAL
Italian Title MIRAL
Category Out of competition
Section Reload - Parental Control
Tipology Feature Film
Duration 112'
Production Year 2010
Nationality France, Israel, Italy, USA
Directed by Julian Schnabel
Screenplay Rula Jebreal
Based on the book "Miral"
by Rula Jebreal
Director of photography Eric Gautier
Editor Juliette Welfling
Production Design Yoel Herzberg
Costume Design Walid Mawed
Main cast Freida Pinto (Miral)
Hiam Abbass (Hind al-Husseini)
Yasmine Al Massri (Nadia)
Ruba Blal (Fatima)
Alexander Siddig (Jamal)
Omar Metwally (Hani)
Produced by Jon Kilik



ER Productions


Italian distribution
Eagle Pictures
