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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2009 - 12.25 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2009


A ladybird wants to find out if his love truly loves him. After an emotional journey of ups and downs he picks the last petal - 'She loves me!' But the flower plays a trick on him, and grows another petal which means “Not”.



Una coccinella vuole sapere se il suo amato la ama veramente. Così inizia a sfogliare una margherita, e l’ultimo petalo dice “M’ama!”. Ma il fiore si prende gioco di lei e tira fuori un altro petalo…


Original Title LOVE ME
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Duration 1' 48''
Production Year 2008
Nationality Spain
Directed by Anika Flade
Screenplay Anika Flade
Script Anika Flade
Director of photography Anika Flade
Editor Anika Flade
Animation Anika Flade
Music Kevin Johansen Candombito
Produced by Anika Flade

love me regAnika Flade
Born in Germany, she left for the UK in 1996. Her career kicked off at Channel 4, took on the challenge of SKY NEWS and has been a successful member of the SKY MOVIES team. During this time she worked on many high profile jobs and has won several awards. Her latest challenge has been a move to Spain (Barcelona) where she has worked with clients such as TV3, Td8, Cuatro, Triacom, Mercury, MediaPro, M-Stars, Estrella Damm & VW. She is currently employed by LaSexta as a Senior Designer. Additionally she manages projects at Crashdummy and is available for freelance work.


Anika Flade
Nata in Germania, si trasferisce nel Regno Unito nel 1996. La sua carriera inizia a Channel 4. In seguito passa a Sky News e diventa un membro della squadra di Sky Movies. Durante questo periodo ottiene lavori di alto profilo e vince numerosi premi. La sua ultima sfida è stata quella di trasferirsi a Barcellona, dove ha lavorato per TV3, Td8, Cuatro, Triacom, Mercurio, Mediapro, M-Stars, Estrella Damm & VW. Attualmente lavora per LaSexta come Senior Designer. Gestisce inoltre i progetti della Crashdummy e lavora come freelance.


phone +49 017698385651
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Festival contact
Anika Flade