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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2009 - 12.25 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2009


Young Bruno lives a wealthy lifestyle in Pre-war Germany along with his mother, elder sister, and army Commandant father. The family re-locate to the countryside where his father is assigned to commandeer a prison camp. A few days later, Bruno befriends another youth, strangely dressed in striped pyjamas, named Shmuel who lives behind an electrified fence. Bruno will soon find out that he is not permitted to befriend his new friend as he is a Jew, and that the neighbouring yard is actually a prison camp.



Nella Germania prebellica, il piccolo Bruno ha una vita agiata insieme a sua madre, sua sorella maggiore e suo padre, comandante dell’esercito. La famiglia si trasferisce per seguire il padre, a cui è stato assegnato un campo di prigionia. Pochi giorni dopo, Bruno incontra un altro bambino, Shmuel, stranamente vestito con un pigiama a righe, che vive dietro una recinzione elettrificata. Bruno presto scoprirà che non gli è consentito essere amico di quel bambino perché è ebreo e si trova in un campo di concentramento.


Category Out of competition
Section Reload
Tipology Feature Film
Duration 94'
Production Year 2008
Nationality United Kingdom
Directed by Mark Herman
Screenplay Mark Herman
Based on the book "The boy in the striped pyjamas"
by John Boyne
Director of photography Benoît Delhomme
Editor Michael Ellis
Production Design Martin Childs
Costume Design Natalie Ward
Music James Horner
Main cast Asa Butterfield (Bruno)
Zac Mattoon O'Brien (Leon)
Domonkos Németh (Martin)
Henry Kingsmill (Karl)
Vera Farmiga (madre/mother)
Cara Horgan (Maria)
Produced by David Heyman

the boy in the striped pyjamas regMark Herman
Born in 1954, Mark Herman is an English director, screenwriter and producer. He was later entering the film industry; at 27 he was making cartoons at art college before then getting involved in drama by studying film at Leeds college. After his graduation at the Nation Film School of London, he won an Oscar Award with the shortfilm SEE YOU AT WEMBLEY, FRANKIE WALSH. He became famous with the movie BRASSED OFF, which won several awards in festivals of all around the world. Among his films PURELY BELTER presented at the GFF in Free to Fly section in 2000.


Mark Herman
Nato nel 1954 in Inghilterra, Mark Herman è regista, sceneggiatore e produttore. A 27 anni realizzava cartoni animati alla scuola d’arte. In seguito studia cinema al college di Leeds. Dopo essersi diplomato alla National Film School di Londra, vince un Oscar con il corto SEE YOU AT WEMBLEY, FRANKIE WALSH. È diventato famoso con il film GRAZIE, SIGNORA THATCHER (BRASSED OFF), che ha vinto numerosi premi in diversi festival internazionali. Tra i suoi film successivi ricordiamo PURELY BELTER, presentato al GFF 2000 nella sezione Free to Fly.


Miramax Films


Italian distribution
Festival contact
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Italia
via Cantalupo in Sabina 29c, 00191 Roma - Italy
phone +39 06 330831
fax +39 06 33083270