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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2009 - 12.25 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2009


In a family, dreams are often shattered by social norms and behaviours.



In famiglia spesso i sogni vengono frantumati dalle norme sociali e dai comportamenti che esse impongono.


Original Title SYLFIDDEN
Category Official Competition
Section Troubled Gaze
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Duration 7' 35''
Production Year 2008
Nationality Denmark
Directed by Dorte Bengtson
Screenplay Dorte Bengtson
Script Dorte Bengtson
Editor Peter Winther
Production Design Marie Thorhauge
Sound Sille Boel
Music Jes Schyum, Rasmus Dalsgaard
Original Voices Marie Hammer Boda
Mette Agnete Horn
Kamma Schyum
Produced by Caroline Blanco

the sylpphid regDorte Bengtson
Born 1971, Denmark. Graduated in animation direction at the National Film School of Denmark, 2008. Worked with the animation company A-Film from 1996-2004 (TV-series, short and feature animations). Creative Consultant at the advertising agency Ipsen & Partners 1998-2000. Bengtson's graduation film THE SYLPPHID: selected for Cinéfondation in Cannes, and the International Animation Film Festival in Annecy. In the pipeline is her first feature THE DUMB PEOPLE.


Dorte Bengtson
Nasce nel 1971 in Danimarca e nel 2008 si laurea in direzione d’animazione presso la National Film School danese. Lavora con la società di animazione A-Film dal 1996 al 2004 (serie tv, cortometraggi e lungometraggi d’animazione) e come consulente creativo presso l'agenzia pubblicitaria Ipsen & Partners dal 1998 al 2000. THE SYLPPHID è il suo film di diploma, ed è stato selezionato per la Cinéfondation di Cannes e l'International Animation Film Festival di Annecy. Dorte ha in cantiere il suo primo lungometraggio, THE DUMB PEOPLE.


Den Danske Filmskole
Theodor Christensens Plads 1, 1437 København K - Denmark
phone +45 32686400
fax +45 32629990
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Festival contact
Danish Film Institute
Gothersgade 55, 1123 Copenhagen K - Denmark
phone +45 33743400
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