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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2009 - 12.25 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2009


Chump & Clump meet at a bus station. While waiting for the bus, which drives only once a week, a bizarre and wonderful friendship develops.



Chump & Clump si incontrano in una stazione degli autobus. Mentre aspettano il bus, che passa solo una volta a settimana, tra loro nasce una strana e meravigliosa amicizia.


Original Title KLOTZ & KLUMPEN
Category Official Competition
Section Generator +13
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Duration 11'
Production Year 2008
Nationality Germany
Directed by Stephan Sacher, Michael Herm
Screenplay Stephan Sacher, Michael Herm
Script Stephan Sacher, Michael Herm
Editor Sven Fox
Production Design Stephan Sacher
Music Friedemann Matzeit
Original Voices Volkram Zschiesche (Chump)
Michael Herm (Clump)
Produced by Javelle Bauersfeld

chump  clump reg 1Stephan Sacher
Stephan Sacher (1982) is a student of animation at the Filmacademy "Konrad Wolf" in Potsdam-Babelsberg. Since 2004 is a freelance illustrator and animator.


Stephan Sacher
Stephan è nato nel 1982. Studia animazione presso la Scuola di Cinema "Konrad Wolf" di Potsdam-Babelsberg e dal 2004 lavora come illustratore e animatore freelance.





chump  clump reg 2Michael Herm
Michael Herm, born in Lahr, Germany in 1977, is a student of animation at the Filmacademy "Konrad Wolf" in Potsdam-Babelsberg since October 2003. He works as freelance 3D Artist/Animator since 2003. He has directed a second short THE TREEHOUSEGANG in 2009 together with Stephan.


Michael Herm
Nato a Lahr, Germania, nel 1977, è uno studente di animazione presso la Scuola di cinema "Konrad Wolf" di Potsdam-Babelsberg dall’ottobre 2003. Lavora come artista e animatore 3D free-lance dal 2003. Insieme a Stephen Sacher ha diretto anche un altro cortometraggio, THE TREEHOUSEGANG (2009).


Festival contact
Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen „Konrad Wolf“
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11, 14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg - Germany
phone +49 3316202564
fax +49 3316202569
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