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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2009 - 12.25 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2009


15 year old Bill Conway believes that the world is a dangerous place and that accidents can happen at any time. His strongly held belief is based on bitter experience – from a very young age Billy has found himself inexplicably drawn to events of injury and misadventure. Eight years before he saw his neighbour dying in a blow of flames in the garden. Some days after this event, his whole family had a serious car accident: his sister died, one of his two brothers became a vegetable, his parents divorced. After all those years, Billy’s mother is still desperate for the loss of her children and can’t really take care of the survivors. Billy has to try to cope with grief on his own and at the same time manage to save his very dysfunctional family.



Bill Conway, 15 anni, crede che il mondo sia un luogo pericoloso e che gli incidenti possano accadere in qualsiasi momento. Questa sua forte convinzione si basa su un’amara esperienza: da bambino si è trovato inesplicabilmente colpito da eventi tragici e dolorosi. Otto anni prima ha visto il suo vicino morire avvolto dalla fiamme in giardino. Pochi giorni dopo questo evento, la sua famiglia è rimasta coinvolta in un grave incidente nel quale la sorella è rimasta uccisa e uno dei suoi fratelli è diventato un vegetale. In seguito i suoi hanno divorziato. Dopo tutti questi anni, la madre di Billy è ancora disperata per la perdita dei suoi figli e non può realmente occuparsi dei sopravvissuti. Billy deve provare da solo a fare i conti con il dolore e, allo stesso tempo, riuscire a salvare la sua problematica famiglia.


Category Official Competition
Section Generator +13
Tipology Feature Film
Duration 93'
Production Year 2009
Nationality Australia, United Kingdom
Directed by Andrew Lancaster
Screenplay Brian Carbee
Script Brian Carbee
Director of photography Ben Nott
Editor Roland Gallois
Production Design Elizabeth Mary Moore
Costume Design Nina Edwards, Ruth Myers
Music Antony Partos
Main cast Geena Davis (Gloria Conway)
Harrison Gilbertson (Billy Conway)
Harry Cook (Larry Conway)
Joel Tobeck (Ray Conway)
Wendy Playfair (Mrs. Smolensky)
Sebastian Gregory (Doug Post)
Produced by Anthony Anderson

accidents happen regAndrew Lancaster
Composer (Alex Proyas’ Garage Days) and short film director [PALACE CAFÉ (1993), UNIVERSAL APPLIANCE CO. (1994), IN SEARCH OF MIKE (2000), SYNTAX ERROR (2003)], Andrew makes his feature directorial debut with ACCIDENTS HAPPEN, that premiered at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival.


Andrew Lancaster
Compositore (sue le musiche di GARAGE DAYS di Alex Proyas) e regista di cortometraggi [PALACE CAFÉ (1993), UNIVERSAL APPLIANCE CO. (1994), IN SEARCH OF MIKE (2000), SYNTAX ERROR (2003)], Andrew dirige il suo primo lungometraggio ACCIDENTS HAPPEN nel 2009. Il film è stato presentato per la prima volta al Tribeca Film Festival.


Red Carpet Productions


World sales
Festival contact
Bankside Films
Douglas House – 3 Richmond Buildings, London W I D 3HE - UK
phone +44 2077343566
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