The imaginary world of Gaya is home to creatures who are much smaller than humans, but who have an uncanny resemblance to them. The Gayans live surrounded by breathtaking scenery but they are facing imminent extinction. Someone has stolen the magic stone Dalamite without which this world is doomed. Two Gayans called Boo and Zino embark on the dangerous mission of recovering the stone. Their journey takes them into a strange and frightening world: our everyday reality. It is only when the pair leave Gaya together with the feisty mayor’s daughter Alanta that they realise they are the heroes of a TV series. The intrepid adventurers discover that Gaya is merely a figment of a TV scriptwriter’s imagination and only exists on the small screen. The adventurers don’t have much time to reflect upon the peculiarities of the human world, they have a mystery to solve. The characters have three questions that need to be urgently solved: who stole the Dalamite and why? And how did they manage to get into Gaya in the first place?