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Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2003


After the death of his father, Achille becomes afflicted with dysphemia, but he is also gifted with great creative intelligence. In their attempts to solve the boy’s problem, his family have him admitted to Villa Agorà, a summer clinic directed by Doctor Aglieri, the inventor of the “talk/sing” method, which consists in helping his bizarre patients to talk by teaching them to modulate their voices as if they were singing. Bringing a little happiness into the clinic is Remo, a speech therapist who is very interested in the Doctor/patient relationship. Life flows on in Villa Agorà, with its comic and often poetic situations, until the day of the field tests, which Doctor Aglieri considers to be the final demonstration that his method is valid. The patients will be taken to a shopping mall and left to themselves to demonstrate that they have overcome their communication problems.

Original Title A.A.A. ACHILLE
Italian Title A.A.A. ACHILLE
Category Official Competition
Section First Screens
Tipology Feature Film
Duration 82'
Production Year 2003
Nationality Italy
Directed by Giovanni Albanese
Screenplay Vincenzo Cerami, Giovanni Albanese
Script Vincenzo Cerami, Giovanni Albanese
Director of photography Maurizio Calvesi
Editor Simona Paggi
Production Design Marco Dentici
Costume Design Liliana Sotira
Music Nicola Piovani
Main cast Sergio Rubini (Remo)
Hélène Sevaux (Alessandra)
Paolo Bonacelli (Dr. Aglieri)
Loris Pazienza (Achille)
Patrizia Loreti (Donna Ines)
Antonio Fornari (Giovannone)
Produced by Vittorio Cecchi Gori

aaa achille regGiovanni Albanese

Born in 1955 in Bari (Italy). He obtained a degree in architecture in Turin. He has lived in Rome since 1980 and teaches Decoration at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Foggia. A sculptor, he has presented his work in numerous personal exhibitions and has participated in several collectives of notable importance, among which were Ultime Generazioni – the XII Quadriennale di Roma and Officina Italia in the Bologna Gallery of Modern Art. For the cinema he created a large art installation (an enormous uterus in which the actors Paolo Rossi and Sergio Castellitto moved around) for Giovanni Veronesi’s film SILENZIO SI NASCE. For his directing debut, A.A.A. ACHILLE, in collaboration with Vincenzo Cerami, he wrote a partially autobiographic story about dysphemia, based on the odyssey of a boy who stammers.


Director’s statement

“Vincenzo Cerami and I wrote a light and poetic story that also has rather poignant moments, not just a comedy. As a person who stutters I know only too well that this is the only handicap – whether you like it or not – that makes people laugh. Many times I saw that my stammering had provoked laughter even in people who were visibly embarrassed by my handicap. The suffering of not being able to speak clearly can only be lightened by a strong sense of humour”.

Cecchi Gori Group


Italian distribution
Medusa Film
Via Aurelia Antica 422-424, 00195 Roma - Italy
phone +39 06 663901
fax +39 06 66390567
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Festival contact
Luisa Pistoia Management
P.zza Martiri di Belfiore 4, 00195 Roma -Italy
phone +39 06 3219252
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