Sections & Films


Category: Edition 1975

Marco is a child who lives on a desert island. His friends are a lighthouse, some rocks and the sea who enclose him. His days are disarranged by a ship, which release his imagination and take him a long way.

Original Title L'ISOLA DI MARCO
Italian Title L'ISOLA DI MARCO
Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Short Film, Documentary
Duration 10'
Production Year 1975
Nationality Italy
Directed by Paolo Cavallina, Luca Liguori

 regista paolo cavallinaPAOLO CAVALLINA
Paolo Cavallina (Firenze, 31 January 1916) is an Italian journalist and writer, who wrote for many important Italian newspapers. He also worked on TV, with RAI television.

 regista luca liguori

Luca Liguori is one of the most important RAI reporters, who realized with Paolo Cavallina the short film "L'isola di Marco".