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GIFFONI FILM FESTIVAL 2018 - 20.28 july

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2018

Sara and Marti are two teenager sisters who move from London to Bevagna, a small medieval town in the heart of Umbria. Here they begin a new life and face a demanding new year full of new acquaintances, achievements and failures, laughs and tears, complicated and mixed feelings such as love and friendship. At the very beginning it won’t be easy for Sara and Marti to settle down in such a small town, starting from the new school, but thanks to their childhood friend Serena, they will meet new classmates such as the funny Nicola, the handsome Ludovico, the posh Benedetta and they will experience new involving adventures!

Original Title SARA E MARTI
Italian Title SARA E MARTI
Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology TV Series, Special Event
Production Year 2018
Nationality Italy
Main cast Aurora Moroni
Chiara Del Francia
Mirko Petrini
Aramis Sebrechts
Camillo Pardi
Benedetta Tuzi
Grazia Gagliardi

Stand By Me

in collaboration with
The Walt Disney Company Italia

aired on