BARBARA BREDERO After her studies in Theatre/Film/Television at the University of Amsterdam, Barbara Bredero initially worked as a production assistant, to later become Assistant Director and First Assistant Director. She worked with Heddy Honigmann, Theo van Gogh, Rita Horst, Ruud van Hemert and Johan Nijenhuis, amongst others. After that she began to direct herself, initially for many TV shows such as MEIDEN VAN DE WIT, WESTENWIND, FLOOR FABERAND HET KLOKHUIS. She was Creative Director of the daily TV-series VRIJLAND and directed the TV-series SAMMY PARAMARIBO in Suriname (South America). Her first short film FROM LINNAEUSSTRAAT WITH LOVE – dedicated to director Theo van Gogh – was released in 2005. 2008 saw her feature film debut, a movie for young children MORRISON GETS A BABY SISTER. Bredero then directed three very successful feature films in the MISTER TWISTER trilogy. All three MISTER TWISTER movies attracted 600,000 visitors which is considered a record in the Netherlands. She won numerous national and international awards, including first prizes in Chicago, Iran, Germany and the Netherlands, as well as the director’s prize in Germany (Lucas). Her latest feature film is the romantic comedy TAAL IS ZEG MAAR ECHT MIJN DING, based on columns by Paulien Cornelisse.
Director's statement I’m extremely proud that we made the verse ‘Patterson Pepps’ – Dutch cultural heritage – into a film. Generations have grown up with this verse and we’ve connected a universal theme to it; going to school for the first time. MY GIRAFFE has become a feel-good film for the entire family. For all children who are about to take that big step towards school. For all children who have taken that step already. For all parents that need to learn how to let go of their children as they take their own steps into the big world. The change towards his school years stretches the umbilical cord between Patterson, his parents and his friend Raf. Patterson is really looking forward to this step. He exchanges, with natural curiosity and enthusiasm, the warm womb for the big school. But what about the world he’s leaving behind? His classmate Yous symbolises learning new stuff, while Raf symbolises his old life with his animal friends. But how are you supposed to combine the two? By experiencing this small struggle with Patterson, all young children will gain perspective on how to deal with the new situations that come with growth and learning new things.