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GIFFONI FILM FESTIVAL 2018 - 20.28 july

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2018

Emilia is an ordinary divorce kid. She goes to school, lives with her Mom and sometimes her Dad, and her life couldn’t be more ordinary. But one day, Emilia’s pet guinea pig bites her finger. Emilia gets a secret ability to transform into furry superhero, who can fly and solve problems with her superpowers. At the same time, the herrings in the nearby Baltic Sea bay are screaming for help. Poisoned sea water has made them irate, and they’re threatening the peace and quiet of the whole town. As a superhero, Emilia takes on to salvage the situation and finds ways to be more courageous in her own life.

Original Title SUPER MARSU
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Feature Film
Duration 84'
Production Year 2018
Nationality Finland
Directed by Joona Tena
Screenplay Paula Noronen, Joona Tena
Director of photography Jani Kumpulainen
Editor Jyrki Levä
Production Design Toni Kari
Costume Design Anna Vilppunen
Music Panu Aaltio
Main cast Ella Jäppinen
Viljami Lahti
Essi Hellén
Eero Ritala
Arttu Wiskari
Esko Salminen
Sam Huber
Tommi Korpela
Kari Hietalahti
Produced by Marko Talli

 regista Joona TenaJOONA TENA
Joona Tena is a film director and writer. He has worked both in film and television, writing and directing a variety of genres including dramas, thrillers, and comedies. His latest completed works as a director in TV are ROBA (2012-2015) and NURSES (2014). Before SUPER FURBALL, he completed two feature films: BODY OF WATER (2011) and FC VENUS (2005). His latest work as a writer are international co-production ARCTIC CIRCLE and national 100th anniversary film 95.

Director's statement
My inner child loves stories where magic enters an everyday setting. So, while our hero Emilia is an ordinary girl living in an ordinary suburb of an ordinary city, her rich imagination creates the perfect motive for a cinematic mixture of live-action realism, goofy cartoonish animation and CGI adventure scenes inherent to the superhero genre. Also, with the global newsfeed so easily available to today's children, they become aware of the complex grown-up problems like environmental pollution at a very young age. So I liked the idea of having our hero tackle these real world problems instead of imaginary super villains. But again, this happens on a level familiar to a child, motivated by her very real fear of losing her best friend. And in the end, what really counts is the hero's battle to find her path as an ordinary child, being a good friend while facing schoolyard bullying and peer pressure from classmates.


Yellow Film and TV

world sales
EastWest Filmdistribution GmbH

festival contact
The Finnish Film Foundation