After the earthquake that hit central Italy between 2016 and 2017, causing hundreds of deaths and injuries, many countries were destroyed forcing thousands of people to leave their land. Some have bravely decided to stay by committing themselves to rebuild their communities. New projects have been created for children, as part of the Fund for the fight against juvenile educational poverty, exploiting the possibilities of the territory, with creativity and with an eye towards traditions. This documentary tells the story of some of them, such as Annamaria Di Placido, a young mother and educator, who divides herself between work and family, managing to create an equestrian educational center to meet the needs of the children in her community. Another protagonist is Sara Santarelli who, together with her uncle Davide Carosi, manages a B & B consisting of some small houses arranged in the place where their house stood. Ermanno Cellini, on the other hand, is a teacher in the primary and secondary school of Arquata del Tronto. His particular approach to teaching ensures that this is well received by children, through stories about the traditions of their places and the importance of growing up with roots firmly planted in the earth.