immagine gff 2022




Category: Edition 2022

Angelo, Daniele and Cecilia are three eleven-year-olds who live in some villages of the Teramo area affected by the 2016 earthquake and by a strong depopulation. The three children are among the hundreds who participated in the RADICI project, a piece of the educational project promoted by "Con i Bambini" as part of the "Fund for the contrast of juvenile educational poverty" and implemented through the participation of the entire educating community. As part of this project, Angelo narrated the world through the lens of a video camera, Daniele captured the sounds, translating them into music, Cecilia described its main features by writing. From the interviews with the three young people, love and determination emerge which, like threads of gold, heal the wounds of the territory, just like in Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing broken vases by filling the cracks with gold paint.

Original Title Kintsugi
Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Short Film, Special Event
Duration 32'
Production Year 2021
Nationality Italy
Directed by Lorenzo Scaraggi
Screenplay Lorenzo Scaraggi
Director of photography Lorenzo Scaraggi
Editor Gianfranco Maiullari
Color Grading NodeCode
Music Alberto Iovene
Graphic Design NodeCode
Main cast Angelo Lattanzi, Daniele Giovinazzo, Cecilia Moscarini, Marco Chiarini, Carlo Di Silvestre, Antonella Ciaccia, Anna Di Monte
Produced by Fabrizio Minnella
In collaboration with Omero su Marte as part of the Fund to combat child educational poverty
Production Con i Bambini and IF-Imparare Fare

Lorenzo Scaraggi

Lorenzo Scaraggi is a journalist, video reporter and traveler. He was born in 1976. After a degree in literature, he has made many reports on social issues and on war and its effects. In 2012 he bought a 1982 camper, renamed Vostok100k, in honor of man's first mission in space, with the intent of transforming it into a sort of story wagon, a mobile editorial office. On board the Vostok, in 2016, he traveled 20 thousand kilometers alone along the borders of Europe, recounting the journey for Repubblica TV. In 2017 he worked on “South Cultural Routes”, a journey commissioned by MIBACT in search of social, anthropological and ethnographic stories told on social networks. "Lungomare Italia" (2018) is a journey along the Italian coasts, inspired by the "The Long road of Sand” traveled by Pasolini in 1959. In 2019 Lorenzo directed the documentary MADRE NOSTRA, about four realities of social agriculture and lands confiscated from the mafia. The film won the Social Film Fund “Con il Sud” and was produced by the “Con il Sud” Foundation and Apulia Film Commission. In 2020 Lorenzo created PUGLIA FUORI ROTTA, a web series, produced by Puglia Promotion for the Puglia Region, in which he told the hidden wonders of Puglia. In 2021 he directed IONIO, DIALOGO TRA DUE MARI, produced by the Puglia Region, a documentary about the points of contact between Taranto and Corfu, between millenary history and tradition.

Con I Bambini and If-Imparare Fare 

In collaboration with 
Sintesi by Lorenzo Scaraggi and Omero su Marte
as part of the
Festival contact
Fondazione con il Sud (Italy)