immagine gff 2022




Category: Edition 2022

A fairy tale based on a true story. Giulia has recently lost her father and she wishes to communicate with him. She decides to buy a balloon to which she attaches a letter which, flying up into the sky, will reach her father. However, when the balloon begins to rise, something goes wrong. It is thanks to the intervention of the fire brigade’s chief that Giulia will be able to make her wish come true.

Original Title Giulia e il Capoposto
Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Short Film, Special Event
Duration 12' 03"
Production Year 2021
Nationality Italy
Directed by Antonio Maria Castaldo
Screenplay Antonio Maria Castaldo
Produced by Antonio Maria Castaldo

Headshot 3e07ed94a7 headshotAntonio Maria Castaldo

In 2012, the same year as he graduated in the performing arts from the University of Siena, he made the short DALL’ALTRA PARTE shown at many festivals in Italy and abroad. In 2014 he produced and shot with Toscana Film Commission his second short, CRISTINA. In 2015, in collaboration with the office of the European Commission in Italy, he produced and directed AROUND EUROPE, a documentary on European history that was selected at various festivals, inserted in a project of the Ministry of Education and screened in many Italian schools. In the same year AROUND EUROPE was broadcast at prime time on RAI Storia. In 2016 he produced the short film L’APPUNTAMENTO di Ylenia Politano, which won awards at several festivals. In 2017 he directed METTI, UNA SERA A CENA CON PEPPINO, co-produced by Istituto Luce. Shown at various festivals in Italy, and broadcast by Sky Arte and RAI 5, the documentary received a special mention at the Nastri d’Argento Doc 2018. In 2020 Antonio presented the documentary FUOCO SACRO at the Official / Out of Competition Selection at the 77th Venice International Film Festival. Award-winning documentary at various festivals, it made its debut on the Rai Play platform in April 2022.

Festival contact
Antonio Maria Castaldo
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