immagine gff 2022




Category: Edition 2022

The venerable Monsieur Lucien comes to present his extraordinary inventions to a class of children. Imagination is a bridge between generations.

Original Title Mr. Lucien
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Short Film
Duration 9' 2"
Production Year 2022
Nationality France
Directed by Robin Barriere
Screenplay Robin Barriere
Director of photography Nicolas Sahaguian
Special Effects Benoit Nieto, Maxime Rey-Camet
Sound Rémi Bastianelli, Cyril Legrain
Music Kiko Ruiz
Main cast Jean-Pierre Combes
Produced by Robin Barriere, Isabelle Barrière

Headshot 28ade64ab1 headshotRobin Barriere

Robin has been working in the audiovisual industry. Multi-instrumentalist (he is screenwriter and editor of all his films), he has worked in several fields: advertisements, news, documentaries, series, performances and fiction. However his hobby is directing short films for children, whose heroes are children themselves. Since 2000, he has been writing and directing a dozen short films, some for children and others for older audiences, many of which have been awarded in various festivals. His work has already been aired on several major national broadcasters and on Netflix and Prime Video.

Festival contact
Robin Barriere
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