immagine gff 2022




Category: Edition 2022

When Little Allan’s parents get divorced, and he has to move to a whole new town, his desperate search for new friends suddenly finds him acting as a human antenna for his elderly, UFO-obsessed neighbor. As a telepathic alien girl, Britney, crash-lands and they have to help her get home, a unique friendship is formed. But he isn’t the only one interested in Britney. A mad taxidermy-collector is on her trail in an attempt to answer the age-old question: Is there life in space, and can he stuff it?

Original Title Lille Allan - Den menneskelige antenne
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Animation, Feature Film
Duration 85'
Production Year 2022
Nationality Denmark
Directed by Amalie Næsby Fick
Screenplay Thomas Porsager, Amalie Næsby Fick
Editor Anders Skiv
Storyboard Jakob Foged, Lars Hummelshøj, Mads Themberg, Daniel Dion
Supervising animator Stine Marie Buhl
Sound Oskar Skriver, Bo Asdal Andersen
Music Andreas Arenholt Bindslev
Visual Effects Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen, Jimmi Gravesen
Art Director Daniel Silwerfeldt
Original Voices Peter Frödin, Louis Næss-Schmidt, Sofie Torp, Jesper Christensen
Produced by Thomas Heinesen, Trine Heidegaard
Production Nordisk Film Production (Denmark)

Amalie Naesby Fick directorAmalie Næsby Fick

Amalie was born in 1986. In 2016 she graduated as animation director from The National Film School of Denmark with the graduation film ZTRIWER that won several awards, including best children and youth feature at CPH PIX. Made her debut as feature director with THE INCREDIBLE STORY OF THE GIANT PEAR (2017), which she directed together with Philip Einstein Lipski and Jørgen Lerdam. The film premiered at the Berlinale. SEX (2020) is her serial debut.

Director’s statement

“Line Knutzon and Peter Frödin with their story about Little Allan have created a unique pearl that touches the heart with its humor and absurdity. Little Allan is an anxious little boy who feels safest in an environment that is familiar and predictable to him, which is something that resonates deeply with me. I would like to create an equally caring and humorous portrait of a young boy whose entire foundation crumbles when his parents are getting divorced. “LITTLE ALLAN - THE HUMAN ANTENNA is a story about how to cope with such an enormous change and a story about a different friendship that happens just when it is needed the most: when you’ve been removed from your roots, you miss your mom and your whole world has been turned upside down. It is a story about having the courage to express how you feel, because honesty will always get you farther in life.”

Nordisk Film Production (Denmark)

International distribution
TrustNordisk (Denmark)

Festival contact
The Danish Film Institute (Denmark)