immagine gff 2022




Category: Edition 2022

A group of children and adolescents, from México and Latin América, waits in shelters of Tijuana for a resolution to the asylum request to enter the US. The wait is long and uncertain. 

Original Title Lejos De Casa
Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film
Duration 80'
Production Year 2022
Nationality Mexico
Directed by Carlos Hernández Vázquez
Screenplay Carlos Hernández Vázquez, Pedro G. García, Luis Montalvo
Director of photography Luis Montalvo
Editor Pedro G. García
Animation Koosuke Amezcua Furuya
Sound Liliana Villaseñor, Axel Muñoz, Jose Miguel Enríquez
Music Carlo Ayhon
With Lázaro, Jimena, Armando, Mario, Betzy, Chuy
Produced by Gabriela Gavica, Carlos Hernández Vázquez
Production Mandarina Cine SA de CV (Mexico)

Foto dire LejosdecasaCarlos Hernández Vázquez

Born in Celalaya, Guanajuato, México in 1983. Lawyer from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, he studied Audiovisual Production at the Cinematographic Training Center. He has been selected for Talents Berlin 2018 (the annual summit and networking platform of the Berlin International Film Festival for outstanding creatives from the fields of film) and is an EAVE Puentes 2020 graduate (EAVE PUENTES is the most relevant and successful training programme for developing European-Latin American co-production). Carlos has produced 9 feature films. As a director, his first feature film, DE PURO AIRE was nominated for the Mexican critics' Diosas de Plata 2019 awards for Best Documentary.

Director's statement

“The immigration policies of Donald Trump, that have remained during the Biden administration, with the endorsement of the Mexican government, have changed the northern border of my country into a funnel where thousands of people must wait several months to start their immigration procedures in the United States. The migration process in the region has changed substantially, we are no longer talking about male migrants in search of work, now migration is made up of families or children who travel alone, running away of the violence of their countries and regions.”

Mandarina Cine SA de CV (Mexico)

International distribution
Feelsales (Spain)

Festival contact
Freak Independent Film Agency (Spain)