immagine gff 2022




Category: Edition 2022

At only fourteen years old, Paula hates her body. In an attempt to express what she feels, Paula creates a blog and becomes part of a large virtual community that shares her problems. Shelter in anonymity, she uploads content recorded with her cell phone, exposing her friends and family. The feeling of belonging blinds Paula, who begins to walk a lonely path, where bulimia and anorexia lurk, in the search for self-acceptance.

Original Title Paula
Category Official Competition
Section Generator +13
Tipology Feature Film
Duration 89'
Production Year 2022
Nationality Argentina, Italy
Directed by Florencia Wehbe
Screenplay Daniela De Francesco, Florencia Wehbe
Director of photography Nadir Medina
Editor Damian Tetelbaum
Production Design Julia Pesce
Costume Design Aixa Mustafá
Make up Melina Araya
Music Populous
Main cast Beto Bernuéz, Lucía Castro, Liz Correa, Astor Daga, Tiziana Faleschini, Lara Griboff, Julieta Montes, María Belén Pistone, Virginia Shultess
Talent Manager Ricardo Ryser
Produced by Claudio Esposito, Dario Mascambroni, Fernanda Rocca
Production Bombilla Cine s.a.s.(Argentina), The Piranesi Experience (Italy)

Florencia Wehbe Directora 01Florencia Wehbe

She was born in 1989, in Río Cuarto, in the Province of Córdoba -Argentina. She studied Cinema in Córdoba Capital. She has been working as an Art Director since 2011. She worked in several productions in the area of ​​direction. She was co-writer of PACKING HEAVY, by Darío Mascambroni.
MAYBE TOMORROW, the first feature film she directed, won the "Best Argentine Film" award at the La Plata Latin American Film Festival and "Best Director" at MAFICI. In 2017 Florencia won the project development contest “Raymundo Gleyzer” with the project of PAULA. The film won the Work in Progress Award in Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival 2021 and participated at BAFICI 2022, in the Argentine Competition Section.

Director’s statement

“We can remember many milestones in our lives with perfect clarity: our first menstruation, our first kiss, a fight or accident we had. Situations or anecdotes that made us grow or learn. But what was the exact moment when we learned that our bodies are not enough? When did our appearance become so important? Who taught us the concept of beauty, what tools did they use?
The construction of female beauty standards is a social, political and economic matter; it changes over the decades, but it always has the sole objective of bringing us down, of destroying our self-esteem little by little. The oppression and damage that the beauty business has inflicted over the years on society, especially on women, is immense and irreversible.
This film tells the story of Paula, a 14-year-old girl who must walk a lonely path in search of self-acceptance, in a society where female beauty standards are unattainable and where anorexia promises dangerous solutions.
This story was born from my need to recount my personal experiences and brushes with eating disorders, but during its development it took on an unusual magnitude when I realised how many women silently go through these same conflicts, infantilised by a society that chooses not to look where it hurts.
We are products of what is sold to us, and this is now truer than ever with social media promoting and selling bodies and magical solutions to non-existent problems. Generating more insecurities, more consumerism and more humiliation.
PAULA is a desperate, urgent, necessary cry; it is a breath of fresh air, a story that tells the beginning of a stigma that will leave scars in the body and in the mind, ghosts that will accompany us for the rest of our lives.”

Bombilla Cine s.a.s.(Argentina)

Festival contact
The Piranesi Experience (Italy)

International Distribution
Antipode Sales & Distribution LLC (Israel)