immagine gff 2022



  • Filters

Seven young protagonists are prisoners of a strange game, weaved by an original “Munaciello” (a legendary spirite from the ancient folklore of Naples), which forces them to...

Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Short Film, Special Event

In the second chapter, we continue to follow the life of four young guys, who juggle wandering in the whirlwind nightlife of Rome. 

Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Short Film, Special Event

Sara is a nice 12 year old, curious and full of questions about life and where people end once left earthly existence. Mom Marina tries to explain to her that the answer is to be...

Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Short Film, Special Event

The Fibonacci's essay divides the world into beautiful and not beautiful through an objective evaluation system. Beautiful people can aspire to anything in life; the not-beautiful...

Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Short Film, Special Event

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