immagine gff 2022



  • Filters

A boy wants to share the fish that he and his father had caught with a bear cub that can’t catch any on its own.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Like many five year olds, Little Charlie goes to a kindergarten and plays with his friends in the neighborhood. Little Charlie lives in safe and secure surroundings and the...

Category Out of competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

A film about how difficult (or easy?) it is to make friends.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

A group of white chickens cackle in a pasture land with their chicks, when they see a blue chicken arriving.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

It is easy to get lost in a contemporary art museum packed with thousands of works in a maze of rooms... but, where is the toilet? 

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Bristle is a little girl being raised by dragons. But when her father must give to the Sorcerog his second most valuable possession, he offers up Bristle.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

Lonely alien Chef Franzy discovers that her special pink soup is not just delicious, but also magical, when she shares it with starving creatures living on a strange planet.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Autumn is coming to an end and Giuseppe is preparing to go into hibernation. 

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Midge, a bratty girl of about twelve years old, is hiking in the woods with her boring father. 

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

An astronaut lands on an unknown planet. Everything is foreign.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film