GIFFONI50PLUS - 21.31 JULY 2021



Category: Edition 2021

DOLENTE BELLEZZA is an animated short film dedicated to Dante Alighieri, written and directed by Roberto Recchioni, produced by Direct2Brain, selected in the context of ‘Corti d’Autore’, an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with the National Association of Multimedia Audiovisual Film Industries.

Original Title Dolente Bellezza
Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Animation, Short Film, Special Event
Duration 5'
Production Year 2021
Nationality Italy
Directed by Roberto Recchioni
Screenplay Roberto Recchioni
Based on an idea by Roberto Recchioni, Leonardo Paulillo
Editor Diego Capitani
Animation Nide Ilustra
Sound Andrea Caucci
Music Riccardo Amorese
Art Director Emanuele Sabetta
Original Voices Marcello Prayer
Produced by Manuela Cacciamani
Production Direct2Brain (Italy)

Foto Roberto Recchioni 2Roberto Recchioni

He made his debut as a writer with the literary anthology Bugs. In 2009 he wrote the script of the comics based on the Chronicles of the Emerged World, a fantasy saga written by Licia Troisi. In 2012 he wrote the second issue of the new series Bonelli Le storie, entitled La redenzione del samurai, released in November 2012 and of the same series the fifteenth and last issue released in December 2013, entitled I fiori del massacro.
Also in 2012 he published two volumes for Nicola Pesce Editore: Asso as sole author and Ammazzatine, designed by Stefano Landini. For the Asso’s promotion, Roberto has created a live action trailer in which he plays the protagonist, Asso, with Laura Gigante and Taiyo Yamanouchi, under the direction of Giovanni Bufalini. In 2013 he was among the creators of Long Wei for the Aurea Editorial.
On May 20, 2013, the editorial director of Sergio Bonelli Editore, Mauro Marcheselli, announced that Recchioni would be the new curator of Dylan Dog. Together with designer Emiliano Mammucari he created the subject and scripts of Orfani, the first series entirely in color in the Bonelli house, the publication began on October 16, 2013.
Recchioni made his debut in the world of comics in 1993, the year of publication for BDB Presse of Dark Side, a volume created in collaboration with Leomacs. He later collaborated with StarShop (creator, screenwriter and designer of Dark Side Battaglia, a two-issue miniseries), Comic Art (co-creator and designer of Pugno, a three-issue miniseries), Rizzoli (in advertising), Magic Press (editor), Astorina (screenwriter of various issues of Diabolik), Eura Editoriale (creator and screenwriter of various series), Bonelli (screenwriter and curator of Dylan Dog and Orfani, screenwriter of two issues of Le Stories and Monolith), Disney, Panini, and for the American Heavy Metal; he is also one of the founders of the independent publishing house Factory, now out of business. With Lorenzo Bartoli he created John Doe and Detective Dante.
In his non-comics activities, his collaboration with the magazines X-Files, CineAttack!, Fiction, Pc Zeta and Game Pro, for which he wrote the column Anatomie Comparate. He was a columnist for Resident Evil Magazine, Cliffhanger and Wildstorm for Magic Press and collaborated on an essay about martial arts published by ADN Kronos.
Recchioni made his debut in the world of comics in 1993, the year of publication for BDB Presse of Dark Side, a volume created in collaboration with Leomacs. He later collaborated with StarShop (creator, screenwriter and designer of Dark Side Battaglia, a two-issue miniseries), Comic Art (co-creator and designer of Pugno, a three-issue miniseries), Rizzoli (in advertising), Magic Press (editor), Astorina (screenwriter of various issues of Diabolik), Eura Editoriale (creator and screenwriter of various series), Bonelli (screenwriter and curator of Dylan Dog and Orfani, screenwriter of two issues of Le Stories and Monolith), Disney, Panini, and for the American Heavy Metal; he is also one of the founders of the independent publishing house Factory, now out of business. With Lorenzo Bartoli he created John Doe and Detective Dante.
In his non-comics activities, his collaboration with the magazines X-Files, CineAttack!, Fiction, Pc Zeta and Game Pro, for which he wrote the column Anatomie Comparate. He was a columnist for Resident Evil Magazine, Cliffhanger and Wildstorm for Magic Press and collaborated on an essay about martial arts published by ADN Kronos. 

Direct2Brain (Italy) 

Festival contact
One More Pictures (Italy)