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Sections & Films

  • Filters

A tightrope walker takes on the greatest challenge of his life.

Category Official Competition
Section First Screens
Tipology Animation, Short Film

One morning the postman delivers a package to Ernst. It's a new soccer ball. The mother comes down with him in the yard to play, but the child would prefer to play with a group of...

Category Official Competition
Section First Screens
Tipology Animation, Short Film

This touching short animation tells the story of Saoussan, a young girl struggling to adjust to life in Canada after being uprooted from her wartorn homeland. She has come to seek...

Category Official Competition
Section First Screens
Tipology Animation, Short Film

School Disco is about embarrassment. Set in pre-teen school gym, we follow a number of likely lads and lasses as they try out their bogus 'adult' personas for the first time.

Category Official Competition
Section First Screens
Tipology Animation, Short Film

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