logo 1985

GIFFONI FILM FESTIVAL 1985 - 27 July.4 August

Sections & Films

  • Filters

"2001" is a story of evolution. Sometime in the distant past, someone or something nudged evolution by placing a monolith on Earth (presumably elsewhere throughout the universe as...

Category Out of competition
Section "Nocciola d'Oro '85 Award" to Stanley Kubrick
Tipology Feature Film

Protagonist Alex DeLarge is an "ultraviolent" youth in futuristic Britain. As with all luck, his eventually runs out and he's arrested and convicted of murder and rape. While in...

Category Out of competition
Section "Nocciola d'Oro '85 Award" to Stanley Kubrick
Tipology Feature Film

In the Eighteenth Century, in a small village in Ireland, Redmond Barry is a young farm boy in love with his cousin Nora Brady. When Nora gets engaged to the British Captain John...

Category Out of competition
Section "Nocciola d'Oro '85 Award" to Stanley Kubrick
Tipology Feature Film

The adventures of a young boy , who comes to live from city to a village during school vacations.

Category Out of competition
Section Albanian Retrospective
Tipology Feature Film

Paranoid Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper of Burpelson Air Force Base, believing that fluoridation of the American water supply is a Soviet plot to poison the U.S. populace, is...

Category Out of competition
Section "Nocciola d'Oro '85 Award" to Stanley Kubrick
Tipology Feature Film

A single mother is trying to trace previous partners in order to help her fund a life changing operation for her blind son.

Category Out of competition
Section Meccoli Section
Tipology Feature Film

Screening of Isamil Kadare's novel "Big Winter". Besnik Bermema was a translator at the conference of communist parties held in Moscow in 1961. He witnessed the biggest break...

Category Out of competition
Section Albanian Retrospective
Tipology Feature Film

Miri realized that her sister Ana is in love with a young man who is not well seen in that area. Having a misunderstanding with his teacher, he leaves school. The sister informs...

Category Out of competition
Section Albanian Retrospective
Tipology Feature Film

Jona, Arsen and Agron are not three ordinary graduates doing their teaching practice in an industrial center, but three young people who try to have their place in society....

Category Out of competition
Section Albanian Retrospective
Tipology Feature Film

Based on the HG Wells short story The Magic Shop, this unsettling story was animator Ian Emes first live action short film.

Category Out of competition
Section Albanian Retrospective
Tipology Feature Film