Friday, 17 March 2017 10:15


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Room for innovation for students with partnerships promoted by Giffoni Innovation Hub and The Creative Plot

Room for innovation for students with partnerships promoted by Giffoni Innovation Hub and The Creative Plot

The oldest Swedish youth film festival, the BUFF International Film Festival, is set to meet Giffoni Experience, the popular cultural factory known across the globe thanks to the most popular and appreciated youth film festival of all time.
From 22 to 24 March director Claudio Gubitosi is set to the 34th BUFF in Malmö where he will be meeting professionals from the Northern European multimedia and film industry. The participation will serve an opportunity to start a new strategic alliance with cultural exchanges involving Italian and Swedish film, besides Swedish youth will also to join the jury and activities at the upcoming 47th Giffoni Experience, taking place from 14 to 22 July.

"I am happy – states director Gubitosi - that also thanks to the support of Giffoni innovation HUB we have now resumed our relations with Northern European Countries. Countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, have always been and continue to be devoted to films for youth. We have often had the honour and the privilege to promote their films and a genre which is often ahead of times and so intense. Therefore besides gleaning film and talent only, we are now looking at Scandinavia to further enhance our collaboration".

New formats and events are being planned which will take place in the Skåne region, in the South of Sweden: this constitutes a new entry set to complete the Giffoni Voyager mosaic, the international moving dimension of the Giffoni experience that has been exporting its format abroad since 2000, co producing events across the globe in Brazil, Albania, Macedonia, and Georgia, siding and supporting well established cultural organizations such as the prestigious Doha Film Institute and its Ajyal Film Festival.
This new project is In line with Giffoni Expereince's new projects and plans aimed at further enhancing, developing its activities with the opening of its Multimedia Valley - the cultural centre where new all year round events, will be taking place including training and production - The partnership will not revolve around film only: in fact initiatives addressed to promoting training and new businesses for youth in the cultural creative industries and innovation will be activated during the three days. The projects will be organized by Giffoni Innovation Hub, company promoted by Giffoni Experience, and by The Creative Plot, business accelerator and innovation promoter from the Lund University.

Read 839 times Last modified on Tuesday, 09 May 2017 10:17