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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2014 - 18.27 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2014


Katthult, in Lönneberga, in Småland, in southern Sweden, is where Emil and his little sister Ida live with their father Anton, their mother Alma, the farmhand Alfred and the maid Lina. Emil is a sweet little boy who likes to help out, but his helpfulness often turns into mischief. He’s then sent to the woodshed, where he sits quietly and carves his wood figures until someone lets him out and he gets into mischief again.

Category Out of competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Feature Film
Duration 63'
Production Year 2013
Nationality Sweden
Directed by Per Åhlin, Alicja Jaworski Björk, Lasse Persson
Screenplay Hans Åke Gabrielsson
Based on the book “Emil i Lönneberga”
by Astrid Lindgren
Director of photography Piotr Jaworski
Editor Olle Tannergård
Sound Olle Tannergård
Music Georg Riedel
Original Voices Astrid Lindgren (narratrice/storyteller)
Gustav Föghner (Emil)
Tilda Ramde (Ida)
Allan Svensson (Anton)
Elisabet Carlsson (Alma)
Lindy Larsson (Alfred)
Produced by Lars Blomgren, Malini Ahlberg, Clas Cederholm

Director-Per-ÅhlinPer Åhlin

Born 1931, Hofors (Sweden). He is Sweden’s most famous animator. He directed the animated sequences of the first animated feature film in Sweden ever, OUT OF AN OLD MAN’S HEAD (I HUVET PÅ EN GAMMAL GUBBE, 1968), mixing animation with live-action. Then he directed, among others, the short CHRISTOPHER’S CHRISTMAS MISSION (SAGAN OM KARL-BERTIL JONSSONS JULAFTON, 1975), and the feature films DUNDERKLUMPEN! (1974), VOYAGE TO MELONIA (RESAN TILL MELONIA, 1989, an adaptation of Shakespeare’s THE TEMPEST), DOGS DAYS (HUNDHOTELLET, 2000).

Alicja Jaworski Björk

She was born in 1955 in Warsaw, where she studied architecture and trained at an animation studio. In 1983 she moved to Sweden where in 1985 she started working at PennFilm Studio. She worked as an animator on the feature VOYAGE TO MELONIA (RESAN TILL MELONIA, 1989). Then she worked as an animator and director.

Lasse Persson

Born 1960, Stockholm. He studied Drama, Theatre, Film and Theology before venturing into the animation industry collaborating with Per Åhlin. In 1995 he founded the production company Swedish Ecstasy Film.


Director’s statement (Per Åhlin)

“Much like Emil, I grew up in Småland. Granted it was in a different part of the province and a few decades later, but I can still feel a certain kinship with the little rascal. So when Filmlance and Saltkråkan contacted me with the project proposal, I said yes – albeit a bit rash”.
“Some illustrators are completely associated with the stories of Astrid Lindgren, and when it comes to Emil and his world, Björn Berg has created some unforgettable characters. Not only the residents of Katthult farm in Lönneberga, but several others in the parish: Krösa-Maja, the Kråkstorp farmer, the Dean and his wife, and many more”.
“All of this has to be translated into an animated version. The geography / setting have to be consistent. Prototypes have to be made for each character, so that the animators and others know what to adhere to. The colour scheme of the characters has to be determined and printed as a recipe. And so on”.
“For obvious reasons, I didn’t read any stories by Astrid Lindgren as a child. I was a big man, about the same age as Christopher Jonson, all of 14 years old, when PIPPI LONGSTOCKING was first published. Later on, I personally met Astrid a few times, and I was involved as an animator and a costume designer for Tage Danielsson’s screen adaptation of RONIA THE ROBBER’S DAUGHTER in 1984”.


distribuzione internazionale/world sales

Filmlance International AB
Box 27156, 102 52 Stockholm - Sweden
phone +46 84597380
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festival contact

Swedish Film Institute

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