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Saint-Quentin - April 2011

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The meeting was set at 10.00 at Napoli  airport  but we arrived a little late, however we managed to nake it in the end! Departure at 12:40, flight time two and a half hours and landing in Paris unaware of another 2 hour drive to Saint-Quentin. Once we got there we met our guest  families.


GFF juror Morena's diary about her trip to Saint-Quentin


stquentin_8The adventure ..

place: Napoli airport

time: 10.00

The Protagonists : Mara, Morena and Giusi.

Means: airplane

Destination:  Saint-Quentin, France.

The meeting was set at 10.00 at Napoli  airport  but we arrived a little late, however we managed to nake it in the end! Departure at 12:40, flight time two and a half hours and landing in Paris unaware of another 2 hour drive to Saint-Quentin. Once we got there we met our guest  families.

We spent the first evening together with the family and friday visiting the French schools in the day whilst we waited for the screening of the first film of the Ciné Jeune festival.

Saturday was a busy day with a film and lunch at the school refectory followed by a little shopping.

stquentin_14We were free on Sunday but were back to the films on Monday morning. Agter the Q&A session with the other jurors we had lunch at the school refectory at…alle 12.15!  After that we headed back to the thatre for the second film of the day.

Same goes for Tueasday whilst on Wednesday we only had a film in the afternoon after the usual lunch at the school refectory...

Another film on Thursday morning then lunch and some more shopping until 5.00 when we went back to the theatre to write the speech for the best film of the festival..

stquentin_6On Friday morning we saw another film which was out of competition and then had our final lunch at the refectory. Our afternoon was spent shoping and playing laser games. The closing ceremony went by among people congratulating us for Our Italian elegance and the announcement of the winners,  Themba and Hold me tied and Neds also had a special mention.

Last but not least, Saturday morning we got ready, said goodbye, shed some tears and went off to the airport escorted by a smart dressed driver who made sure we were on time at the airport for the flight. However the flight was late and we nearly missed our next plane in Milan. Fortunately though that was not the case andi Mara and Morena's positive feelings won over the negative ones of the other person whom I won't mention, and off we were to Naples! After a trip spent writing and asking questions to two hot soccer players of Cremonese we finally landed in our wonderful land.




Read 2264 times Last modified on Monday, 30 April 2012 11:53
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