Archivio Film

  • Filters

Charity and her sister, Happy, who are 25 and 16 years old respectively, live in the slums of Lagos. Both girls dream of a better future, more specifically, owning their own car...

Category Official Competition
Section Generator +18
Tipology Feature Film

Dino is a cat that leads a double life. By day he lives with a little mute girl, Zoé, the only daughter of Jeanne, a police captain. By night he clambers over the roofs of Paris...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

Poor but happy, young Nello and his grandfather live alone, delivering milk as a livelihood, in the outskirts of Antwerp, a city in Flanders (the Flemish or Dutch-speaking part of...

Category Official Competition
Section Free to Fly
Tipology Feature Film


Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Short Film


Category Out of competition
Section Angels and Devils
Tipology Animation, Short Film


Category Out of competition
Section Angels and Devils
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Seven years after the death of his mother, 13-year-old Karim has left Paris for Morocco with his father Messaoud, who has remarried and decided to return to his homeland. After a...

Category Official Competition
Section Generator +13
Tipology Feature Film

An estimated 2.2 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water. Every day, 14-year-old Houlaye leaves her village in northern Niger to get water for her family. Like...

Category Out of competition
Section In Society & Out of Society
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film


Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Alice is poised to fly. A young girl on the threshold of womanhood. But her wings have been clipped. She is trapped. She hovers in childhood, denies her heart and appetite. Her...

Category Official Competition
Section Y Gen
Tipology Short Film