Archivio Film

  • Filters

Nour, a 14-year-old boy, is enjoying the beginning of the summer holidays in the South of France. He is the youngest of four brothers. 

Category Official Competition
Section Generator +13
Tipology Feature Film

Samay, 9, is the son of a tea seller, in a small train station in rural India, and a young mother who cooks divinely. 

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +10
Tipology Feature Film

Classic fairy-tale story about Tom Thumb against Giant. Parents are poor and want to leave Tom Thumb in forest. But Tom Thumb is clever and marks his way by stones. Second time he...

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Feature Film

Un castello, un bosco, giardini: le cose lasciate incompiute da un pittore in un quadro dove vivono tre tipi di personaggi: i Completi, interamente dipinti, gli Incompleti, privi...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +10
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

Adama is a 14-year-old boy who lives with his mother in a small two-room flat in Stains, in the suburbs of Paris. He fails in school, although he is a bright pupil. Because of an...

Category Official Competition
Section Generator +13
Tipology Feature Film

Marie, 18 year-old, a subdued young woman just emerging from adolescence, is drawn by luxury and glitter like a moth to a flame. Her life changes dramatically when she meets...

Category Official Competition
Section Generator +18
Tipology Feature Film

Drum and Bass are “bruitards”: in the shadow of our everyday life they create sounds and noises using their funny instruments.

Category Official Competition
Section Kidz
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Light Motif explores the possibilities of synergy between image and music through a semiabstract environment made of colored lights and geometric shapes.

Category Official Competition
Section Generator +18
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Just before his 9th birthday, Prince Macius faces the most difficult moment of his young life: his father, the King, has died and Macius must ascend the throne. Soon the evil...

Category Official Competition
Section Kidz
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

A fair ground... Lots of noise and agitation. Little Martin does all his mother tells him to do, but insists on getting a red balloon. And then, he wants a green one too, and a...

Category Official Competition
Section Troubled Gaze
Tipology Short Film