Archivio Film

  • Filters

La dura esistenza di due bambini che vivono per strada.

Category Out of competition
Section Amnesty in Shorts
Tipology Animation, Short Film

It is a hot day in August. There is a truck parked in the street with watermelons for sale. A father and his son are selling the watermelons. The son, 15-year-old Dime, glares at...

Category Out of competition
Section Macedonia Short Films
Tipology Short Film

Una ragazza solitaria è l'unica ospite alla sua festa di compleanno. Ha disperatamente bisogno di un vero amico.

Category Out of competition
Section Amnesty in Shorts
Tipology Animation, Short Film

In trincea, durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale, un soldato francese è paralizzata dalla paura. Il suo spirito si disconnette dalla realtà e fugge in un mondo dove le guerre...

Category Out of competition
Section Amnesty in Shorts
Tipology Animation, Short Film

In the calm of the jungle, an unusual noise scares the animals who panic one after the other; as the rumour spreads, their behaviour becomes increasingly irrational.

Category Out of competition
Section Focus on French-Belgian coproduction
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Un attore in pensione fatica ad essere accettato dalla società. Tormentato dai vicini, arriva ad un punto di disperazione tale da decidere di prendere misure drastiche.

Category Out of competition
Section Short is Happy
Tipology Animation, Short Film

In un tempo indefinito nel futuro ogni individualità è stata sradicata. Ognuno si adatta ad uno standard prescritto, in termini di aspetto e comportamento. Ad una frontiera John...

Category Out of competition
Section Amnesty in Shorts
Tipology Short Film

An artist is a master storyteller. He tells to creative masters a story. And the story will become a painting, made by a group of pupils with splendid compositing harmony, in a...

Category Out of competition
Section Verso Sud
Tipology Short Film

According to the local elders, it is better to stay away from that old castle. The evil guardian does not want anyone on the inside, especially the children...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

Once upon a time there was a very endearing, very likeable man, who lived on his own. Because he liked children so very much, he wished he could have a child himself. He therefore...

Category Out of competition
Section Short Link
Tipology Animation, Short Film