Archivio Film

  • Filters

I am Chance follows the microcosm of a group of street savvy girls in the surprisingly bright, pop and artistic megacity of Kinshasa. 

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

They are couples like no others: couples who cannot bear children in a biological way and decide to go through adoption. From this decision and the actual meeting with the child,...

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

IMPOSED PIECE is a cinematographic chronicle of the most prestigious violin’s competition: the Queen Elisabeth. Through this documentary, the audience meets some of the twelve...

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

Ten-year-old Dujuan is a child-healer, a good hunter and speaks three languages. As he shares his wisdom of history and the complex world around him, we see his spark and...

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

IN MY ROOM is a coming of age film taking place inside the rooms of six teenagers. It is told entirely out of their self made videos which were posted on YouTube. They aren't...

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

IN THE NAME OF YOUR DAUGHTER is the story of some of the most courageous girls in the world, like the 12-year old Rosie Makore who ran away from her home in Northern Tanzania to...

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

Friendship, trials, victories and loss - the young players at the world's biggest soccer tournament for kids, Norway Cup, have a lot of challenges outside the football pitch....

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

Heart transplants to children have been banned in Russia since 1993. Linar, a 5-year-old Russian child, while waiting for a new heart, has to live stuck to a huge machine on...

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

LITTLE GERMANS combines animation and documentary to tell the story of children that are born into right-wing families. From a young age on they are conditioned to hate everything...

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

The film follows five Swazi orphaned children as they collaborate to tell the original tale of Liyana, a fictional character whose early life bears remarkable similarities to...

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film