Archivio Film

  • Filters


Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Feature Film


Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Feature Film

New California is under the rule of Queen Isabel II Queen of Spain. Don Esteban of the Fuente Governor, greedy for money and riches, squeezes the people with taxes and taxes of...

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Feature Film

Giorgio Sandrini, Sardinian seventeen-year-old guest of one of his Venetian aunt, is employed as an apprentice in a glass factory in Murano. To give it to his girlfriend he steals...

Category Out of competition
Section Out of Selection
Tipology Feature Film

An enthusiastic filmmaker thinks he's come up with a totally original idea: animation set to classical music! When he is informed that some American named "Prisney" (or something)...

Category Out of competition
Section Cartoons
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

Orzowei ("he who was found"), orphaned, raised as a son by a warrior of the bellicose African tribe of Uzi, who drives him out, finds in Pau, head of the peaceful tribe of the...

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Feature Film

An engineer has discovered a new special alloy for the construction of submarines and is about to launch it on the world market. To force him to give up the formula, his opponents...

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Feature Film

A boy from the Roman suburbs makes ends meet with petty thefts that do not satisfy him, because the spoils are too small; in fact, influenced by wealthy classmates, he aims at...

Category Out of competition
Section Review "Youth Problems in Contemporary World"
Tipology Feature Film

October 16th 1943. Giacomino Treves, an 8 year old Italian Jewish boy, escapes a German raid near Rome. He heads to London where his father was responsible for the BBC programs...

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Feature Film

October 16th 1943. Giacomino Treves, an 8 year old Italian Jewish boy, escapes a German raid near Rome. He heads to London where his father was responsible for the BBC programs...

Category Out of competition
Section Review of Children's Movies produced by Istituto Luce (1965-1973)
Tipology Feature Film